unbounded healing

Wed Am I dropped my computer off @ local repair service center to “fix” a windows Vista update failure. They kept it for 3 full days while they eradicated the vermin. I was told that Vista had many faults and I can speak to $90 service fee. Missed having the computer to record events.

Yesterday I called N AZ orthopedics for a second opinion on my collar bone healing. Scored an afternoon appointment up in Flag. New X-rays were taken and interpreted. I was told I have a stable fracture and bone growth is occurring. I no longer need to wear either the harness or the confining sling. In fact the break will heal faster if the shoulder is slightly stressed. Whooppe! Way better than no bed side manner sedona dr. Drove back down canyon using as I could my newly freed arm. I was told I am not ready for mtn biking but I should start to put weight on my road bike bars while I spin.

Day b4 @ the chiro I told Doc about my blood clotting. She said she has read research about drinking pineapple juice for an enzyme that will be incorporated into the body that thins the blood . She said it is possible to turn the tide on taking coumadin. Orthodox med does not recognize alternative treatment. I drink 8 oz of Dole pure pineapple juice and same of h20 on an empty stomach 2X a day. She said that thru proper body chemistry a recessive gene can be turned off. I will continue coumadin and continue to have blood PT tested.

Mounted my road bike on Danny’s resistance trainer and have been spinning. Started @ 35 mins, today i spun for 60 mins. Sweat drips from my brow. I listen to iPod music that makes the time speed by.

doing what i can do

Early in the evening Danny lead me on a hike up near teacup. We continued on exposed slick rock to Skidmark which has a nasty drop down off slick rock. Takes balls to ride it. Walking the approach was sketchy enough. Still can’t lift my arm to take pictures to capture sights.

Zags won the WCC playoffs for automatic berth into NCAA big dance. Sunday the schedule is announced.

Eye exam revealed that my eyes are getting better. Correction vision for distance is almost nill while close up correction was lessened. I will shop an on line cheap glasses site for new frame and new prescription to get away from photo gray.

The IRS sent me their interpretation of additional taxes owed based on records received from the investment house. Said I owed an additional almost $4,000. new data shows that the profits were not completely understood; I still owe by way less.

Received my new Monarch custom tuned shock from PUSH. I plan on riding my first ride back on the old shock to reset my ride quality then put on the Monarch that is more tuneable, hence plusher for a smoother ride. Soon I will install new or slightly used components on the bike making the King headset the last remaining component from the original bike build back in 11/07. Look forward to first ride maybe 2 weeks away, 7 weeks after break.

Still staying in Danny’s side yard and he is attending to my bed.

75 degrees and sunny today.

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