One by trainer, two by leg

Ah, Sedona weather. Some mornings Danny leaves early causing me to be up & out of bed so he can raise my bed b4 leaving. I have Bfast then try and get on the road bike mounted on the trainer by 9:00 for a 1 hour spin. Sweat drips from me onto the floor.  Yesterday was one of those days with added chill during my “ride”. 60 minute thrash, a shower, and I am good to go. Some days I stop @ Bagel shop for a bakery treat and read the AZ Republic newspaper, comics first and save the puzzles for later. Then the 8 mile drive down to BnB to hang. yesterday I planned a hike along trails I have ridden on. Beautiful day. I ran into maybe 20 hikers and 5 riders. Hikers are enjoying the biker made trails. Highline is a narrow path, so narrow it presents problems for 2 people to pass, let alone a hiker and a mtn biker. I walked along Highline then bushbashed down slope to pick up Made in the Shade up to Made in the Shade. 2 hour hike.

Upper Made in the Shade looking down to Village of Oak Creek

Ended up hanging @ BnB well past closing time. Danny went to bed b4 I arrived back @ his house hence loosing my bed lowerer. I managed to minimalize the load to my shoulder while lowering it myself.

Today I cook dinner myself in my van to share w/ Danny. A spin session in the AM & a shower and I am out of here.

The mechanic who worked on my van told me that my front brake rotors were undersized and should be replaced soon. I figure that I should have the rotors replaced here b4 I leave as this shop has already worked on my van. I will replace them just b4 I head out.

Fixed dinner for first time in almost 7 weeks. My arm works enough to dice and stir. Dinner was Captain Chicken on brown rice. Danny liked it and I cleaned my mess up. I showed Danny that I can cook in my kitchen. He has a VW Westi like I used to have.

I called the ortho voice mail 2 days now asking to coordinate care w/ the chiro. No calls back.

Chilly night.

I worked on my map today putting pushpins @ places I rode. I don’t remember the East coast very well. I have a tattered road atlas that I highlight the roads I have driven on this Odyssey and also over my lifetime. The highlighter bleached out off paper erasing my traveled roads. I have forgotten so much. I have been on the road 33 months.

Interesting fact: I have been in Sedona 93 days during this stay, a quarter of a year. Almost 7 weeks, almost half of that time spent crippled.