mending in the snow in sedona

it is what it is, mother nature that is. rain started early sat morn then changed big time to snow in the pm. the ground is too warm to support snow accumulation. none the less, those able to ride are couch potatoes like me.

fri i visited w/ dave of fat tire bike in uptown sedona, the last of 4 local shops for me to visit. small town w/ local riders spread among the 4 shops. my fame preceded me as in my injured state. dave got me in person. he did most of the talking about social trails and the usfs and riders and shops pulling together for the common good. how to grow sedona such that the community gains from the increasing number of riders visiting and that riders will have sedona single track to ride. there is no local bike club for mtn bikers, there are few local riders, and there is dissention among the shops. non stop dave allowed me a few moments to share what i have learned in life. i spent several hours in his repair shop and never talked bikes which to me was good.

drove down hill to bnb for rest of afternoon and caught the afternoon shop closing buzz.  Aaron chase, a world class freerider spent several days here riding hosted by several riders out of bnb. jimmy might have beer on tap but certainly there are bottles in the fridge. riders hang reliving the sedona after ride vibe and whetting their story telling whistles.

drove back uphill to danny’s for the night.

snow fell up @ ski hill in flag. danny and traildoc’s jan motored off up to flag for snow play.

sat i returned to fat tire and continued the trail issues here in sedona w/ dave. heavy rain fell, like thunderstorm intensity w/o the thunder then turned to snow.

traildoc called me to talk to me about my gps ride routes i made last year. we made a dinner date sun eve to share.

drove back to bnb for post ride buzz. i was the only non employee in the shop. nobody is riding.

drove back uphill to sedona. danny called and invited me to a party @ stevie’s house, he is an mbh rider. party was not all riders. i was introduced to ginny who is now living on the road in a 31′ motorhome w/ her 2 cats. she is a life coach and therapist professionally. she quit working for the man, started her own virtual counseling business and hit the road. we ended up in an intense conversation lasting many minutes. i broke off the conversation as i felt i captured her.

back @ danny’s for the night.

snow fell again during the day. no riding for anybody again as there is standing h2o. temps again are below freezing @ night creating freeze thaw mud. it will be perhaps a week b4 trails are dry enough to ride. so for this short time injured and non injured riders are all non riders.

did 1 handed was. dinner and data sharing @ traildoc’s sedona’s unofficial goodwill ambassador.

no more shots

spent night @ danny’s side yard. he lowered and raised my bed.

today is my first out patient blood clotting test and another chiro appointment. fri is my first dr appointment to manage my clotting issue. they also have a finger stick testing device for instantaneous reading and requires only a finger stick. other places require blood draw and transmission to a lab  etc. i wanted the finger prick. called them this am for the clot test but i was told they couldn’t do it until i became a patient on friday. they found an appointment for me this am which included the intent of fri’s appointment. the nurse pricked my finger and put a drop of blood onto the machine. analysis occurred spitting out the correct clotting level to eliminate the lovenox blood thinning shots. the prick cut clotted right away which is good.

i learned the basilis vein is fully occluded which anchors the clot. the pulmonary embolism was very small if at all. my blood is being tested to learn if i have a genetically disposition to clotting. because of my 2 previous clotting episodes i will be on coumadin for life. i can start walking easily. the ortho doc is controlling when i can up the effort.

life looks much better and will be great when the bone heals. for now it is helping the healing by hanging. i have not searched for a new passion.

out of the hospital

Tuesday afternoon the dr managing my case released me. conditions for release were no new blood clots in my legs and my ability to give myself the lovenox blood thinner injections into my belly fat. late mon i was whisked to the ultrasound machine to exam my legs for any clots. test results showed clot damage in my left leg consistent w/ my first clot back in maybe 2007. criteria 1 met. that evening i was allowed to shoot myself up. success, when the reward for leaving hinged on sticking myself, meant sacking up and inflicting minor discomfort on myself. stuck myself. criteria 2 met. jimmy called earlier to offer driving me back to sedona and i called to accept. he and jan drove me back to sedona where i picked up my van w/ bike still attached. stopped At bse rental for propane and tell mark of my mishap. he told me of a bruising fall he took.

i was given a script for 10 lovenox shots and coumidin. great Boeing retiree medical insurance. shots cost $694 for 10, i paid $25.

jimmy & jan treated me to dinner @ an Italian restaurant in voc and shared their driveway w/ me. we watched a show on how beer saved the world. beer’s historical impact is little understood. show’s premise was hunter gathers became farmers after they discovered barley grains in a vessel saturated w/ h2o produced ist beer. the nomads settled down and grew barley. American Indians missed out when they grew crops.

so great to sleep in my own bed while not being interrupted by blood draws and vitals checks.

happy to be back among more similar people as i hung @ bnb for part of the day.

dean called and reported that homeless doug is tent bound w/ food poisoning. danny called checking up on me and made me give my word that i will stay front country instead of desert haunts.

my body has produced 3 clotting episodes, proverbial 3 strikes and i am now on blood thinner for life, coumadin for now. a new drug that a few other countries prescribe for the same condition, paradaxa, has fewer side effects and better efficacy is still seeking fda approval. the er doc said he would prescribe it to his loved ones. a vascular dr said no, wait fda approval.  on fri i have a dr appointment w/ an internal medicine dr who i plan on making my primary care doc for the clotting. perhaps she will prescribe the new med which will be much better for my lifestyle.

3 nights in the hospital being taken care of among other things allowed my collar bone to set. i was just typical craig enjoying the staff and they me.

back outside w/ full control of my life and independence. yes, i have buddies and friends around the country that have offered help. i am in sedona where the weather is favorable and surrounded by this crew  of friends. i enjoyed similar results back in hurricane while recovering from my kidney laceration. thanks to each of you who offered help i can’t partake of each of your offers. i have chosen sedona for my recuperation. don’t despair, my trip is still on going and i do have a propensity to damage myself.

back on vicadin pain pills. bound up lower end of digestive system from the narcotics. mental processes are also affected.

gather mtn bikers and mixed in w/ sharing rides injuries and repairs come up. our sport has its share of injuries. i wonder if there is a riding location in the us that is statistically significant has the most injuries?

belly roll stick

jimmy & jan’s gift of the torch of freedom representing courage weighs heavily around my neck.