no more shots

spent night @ danny’s side yard. he lowered and raised my bed.

today is my first out patient blood clotting test and another chiro appointment. fri is my first dr appointment to manage my clotting issue. they also have a finger stick testing device for instantaneous reading and requires only a finger stick. other places require blood draw and transmission to a labĀ  etc. i wanted the finger prick. called them this am for the clot test but i was told they couldn’t do it until i became a patient on friday. they found an appointment for me this am which included the intent of fri’s appointment. the nurse pricked my finger and put a drop of blood onto the machine. analysis occurred spitting out the correct clotting level to eliminate the lovenox blood thinning shots. the prick cut clotted right away which is good.

i learned the basilis vein is fully occluded which anchors the clot. the pulmonary embolism was very small if at all. my blood is being tested to learn if i have a genetically disposition to clotting. because of my 2 previous clotting episodes i will be on coumadin for life. i can start walking easily. the ortho doc is controlling when i can up the effort.

life looks much better and will be great when the bone heals. for now it is helping the healing by hanging. i have not searched for a new passion.