no caps, 1 finger anguish

today i set out by myself to ride highline, down baldwin then cross the creek to trails over there. i walked the upper baldwin till i could ride the remaining switchbacks. i made them. the trail dropped into a narrow rocky wash.  i had ridden this in the past. this time i stalled on a small roller. my handlebar twisted to the right which pitched me downhill over the bars. it is a narrow wash. i found the far side right full force on my right shoulder and right side on helmet. i spattered on upslope.  inventory of extent of sudden stop. pain in right shoulder. i wiggled around a little to sit up. i wiggled .lightly my shoulder. pain. movement distortion. big time damage. as i fell i kept my arm against my body to prevent possible broken wrist, torn ligaments were the extent of my fear.  i need to get to the hospital for treatment. but first i need to stand up and pick up my bike. right arm can’t stand lifting the bike. i get it upright and straddle the top tube. i push off and of a fashion i am ridding. plan is to catch baldwin trail for several miles to verde valley school road then ride back to my van @ bnb so i could drive myself to the hospital.

40 minutes of dirt and pavement riding after the fall i made bnb. i could not lift my bike onto the bike rack.  i asked bnb to check out the bent rear brake lever and told them what happened and what i was planning. took bike gear off and put on topsiders. left hand turn right side key start. made hospital . appears to be just staff rigs in the lot. good no waiting line. walked in. xray tech walked by and remarked she remembered me from last year’s fall. 3 xrays and read by er doc diagnosed broken collar bone almost @ the joint. i was fitted w/ a cross brace sim to my experience 36 years ago after i broke my left collar bone from a dirt bike crash.  pain meds.

riding by myself enjoying making all the decisions. i made a brain fart and payed for it.

i have more hours each day to fill. typing is painfully slow.

just another experience on my odyssey. my goal is to be self sufficient. i need to buy another car sleeping bag to sleep on the floor as lowering and raising takes a full 2 hands, way too heavy to do one handed.

pain meds wacked out to shallow left field