Smoke, East, Flies

Smoke thick enough to be above harazrdous to health. I woke up this AM knowing that as the earth turns the sun will light up the sky. Sunrise time came, this is what outside looked from camp spot out at Phils.

Phils, looking north, smoke

Heavy smoke, air quality alert off the upper end, breathing will be bad for your health.

Follow up chiro adjustment this AM, body cooperated holding previous adjustment. Intense headache is gone as result og=f his manipulation. Suggested several more. Crazy, assistant at the front desk was astonished when she read my last name as her significant is also a Bierly that she pronounces as beerly, not our buyearly for christmas. No family connections.

Air quality in Bend was too hazardous to exert in. I checked an air quality site for air quality around the state. East is where smoke lessened, Burns was just yellow. I can be where ever I want to be. I chose to drive east seeking cleaner air. I never drove out of the smoke as I headed east on US 20. I stopped at Brothers, OR rest stop for lunch then spent fustrating minutes on both my phone and laptop trying to figure out maps for BLM land east of Burns. Just sucks finding mapping info. I found a camp on google maps that was not on other maps. Turned per phone direction onto an unnamed dirt road. Kept driving, passed mapped camp spot which was occupied, much broken glass on that ground. Continued found spot behind a shade tree that required all of my leveling blocks to obtain level. Smoke here still. And flies, lots of them in the van. I walked further along the road where I found a more desirable spot. I actually for the first time ever moved from a set up spot to another spot.

camp spot, sun is in the sky maybe 11 o’clock from van.

I am now about 70 miles east of Bend out of the real nasty smoke there. Forecast is for more of the same, 20% chance of showers on Tues. Suspect these big fires will keep burning more fuel creating ever more smoke. Traffic was burning headlamps in town as well as highway here. I might have cast off from Bend back on the road as I search for riding in clear air, Sun Valley’s ( Wood River Valley) Ketchum air is yellow. No riding from here to Boise. Will research Boise. Pot dispensary last stop is Ontario right on the OR/ID border. Will purchase anticipated quantity to last till next legal state.

Decisions I have made throughout my life have gotten me to where I am now. I am not fortunate to be where I am, it has worked this way. I am experiencing all things that people go through but I am doing it my way. I had no job to lose when the economy tanked: I am retired with an income. I did not lose my house to either the covid loss of income or to fire. My van still gets 25 mpg with 256,xxx miles on it. What people go through who were affected by the above is difficult to imagine how I would recover should it have happened to me. The smoke here in almost the center of the state is nasty but nowhere near as bad as other places such as Bend where people had(?) to stay. My difference is I was able to move my home away from the shit. If I were living at my house I would be stuck inside. Issues are personal, mine are important to me. I am just saying, some might say Whining.

Closed the side door and rolled up the windows trapping smokey outside air. Chilly enough.

SIBO diet allows Scotch but not dark rum. I shopped liquor store and bought a fifth of Scotch, $40 bottle. Store has some very expensive Scotch. I wet my whistle on a good pour.

SIBO diet identified many food items I have. I have gradually purging those items. I will research menu items and recipes to support the diet. I gave food stuffs that were unopened to bike shop.

Knowledge gained

No BEER or gluten. SIBO and leaky gut. Chiro adjustment eliminated most of intense headache. It just took $ for info. Have a bucket of herbs to straighten out the gut malfunction. Naturapath no insurance coverage. Quite expensive to fix health issues, I now have a recovery protocol designed to restore my gut to happy times. Learned I am gluten and rice intolerant. Will follow a FOD diet. But no beer and a whole lot more of my standards. Chocolate? No.

The crash on Mon gave me a nasty headache. I scored an afternoon chiro adjustment today, his first go made an improvement, followup tomorrow morning.

I have been staying down in Bend out at Phils as temps are just in 80s and smokey skies starting today. Deschutes is general shut down for all operations. Will learn if it applies to dispersed camping. Conditions are scary. 2 nights ago there was a wind event that would have spread a fire wild. No ignition. Big fires burning in OR and WA, of course CA. 2 big fires on the Umpqua, Thielson at Diamond Lake and another down lower on the river closing the highway. 50 years ago this summer I was on a 12 man intra region fire suppression crew based out of Diamond Lake district at Toketee RS. At that time the story line was the Umpqua never burns. Since that time there have been several big fires. I dug fire line with one leg in the fire, my pants continually shortened as the ragged cut off bottoms caught on fire. Today only Willamette Pass was open, maybe the Gorge, fires have closed the other passes. Skies here are just smokey, lacking the red color from nearby intense fires.

Tues eve I attended a COTA ZOOM meeting discussing Swampy trails efforts. Signed up for work party this Sunday up there.

Wed AM at 7 temp was 29 degrees. Tonight at 8 PM comfortable enough for door and window to be open. High desert temp fluctuations and low humidity like 6%.

I kept my nose buried in The Vanishing Half book finishing it last night. I gave it back to the bookstore, Dudley’s for in store credit applied to another book.

Yesterday I rode from here repeating a same loop. Amazing that pedal times were just 3 mins diff on a 19.3 mile ride. Descended Pine Drops. Almost no sharing.

Yesterday was my 71st birthday. And this restricted diet precluded even a piece of cake with ice cream.

Staying high

Still at Swampy. Staying cooler than 2000′ below baking in the city.

Drove down Thurs to do laundry and groceries and water. Did business at my chosen dispensary. Drove back to Swampy an scored dirt spot.

As of 9/2/20 I have ridden a Turner mountain bike 2453 rides for 35,763 miles. Twelve years on this odyssey. I speak “twelve years” more frequently now. This is the first I am remarking the number of years I have been living this life style. I had visions of having my small house built and me running aground until the next high tide. House ain’t happening this winter. Mountain biking here in Bend is enjoyable and fulfilling. Been here in Oregon for 3 months, ridden 62 times for 1139 miles mostly here at Bend. Up here at Swampy I have been riding the same trails mixing the sequence at times, yet even repetition is still enjoyable. The early nastys have mellowed out and seem to be forgotten. What was once a grunt is just a hard pedal.

Sunday I rode a Flagline loop from Swampy. The Dutchman / Swampy snowmobile grunt rolled under my wheels. At junction of Middle Flagline 4 riders gathered and visited while I rested nearby.

no smoke, near junction of Flagline

Satiated I coasted downhill to them and bid hello and I rode the trail. In a short while they caught up to me, they were just a bit faster and I did not want to attempt to stay ahead of them. Situation is the trail is dry and loose that bike tires put that dust up into the air for those following to breathe and see thru. I pulled over and let them go by and I waited a bit for their dust to settle. Up the ways we swapped leads for me dust free air and vision. pedaled everything. High speed coast.

Forest fire smoke is blowing into air basin, Yellow, which is just below green good, has been warranted. Air has smoke haze.

smokey air

Been chilly at night enough to fire the furnace up. Van is parked rear end into rising sun which prolongs overcoming the cold sink of the inrerior of van. Sunrise is around 6:42 and sundown around 7:26. 81 days ago the seemed to be as it should have been: up way earlier and hung around till bedtime.

Swampy trails attract many rigs as seen in the parking lot. However it is rare to encounter a rider and should I ride a non shuttle route trail I see no one. I have been likingRidge trail right outside my door which climbs up to Dutchman / Swampy after cuttoff trail over to lower Flagline. Bit of a grunt, it gets me to where I want to go. It is a hoot to coast down. I will even climb a cuttoff grunt climb of 2xx’ feet in .7 mile to enjoy the descent. Today I climbed Ridge. I saw an area on the map that said lake. Checked it out

holding water no longer

Rode lower Flag to end at Swampy then worked around the S and E end of lake. On East Swampy I crashed hard on my left side, blood flowed enough to fish out and apply large band aids. Maybe a pedal strike that violently grabbed control of my bike and me with it. Smack down. I landed on my left side, as I was slowing down I looked at what my head could be hitting. I stopped just before my head hit that piece of wood. At least I don’t believe I hit my head as I have a head ache on the left side. I finished my challenging ride under full control of all facilities negating a possible head injury. I did not feel a hit. My helmet shows no damage. Could I have hit my helmeted head and this helmet is so good it protected me from the felt hit?

Swampy east, I fell just past wiggle around protruding rock.
crash site, tire gouge right edge of trail, I ended up to the left behind first log on left

Forecast for today called for increasing winds as the day progressed and so they did. I finished while velocity was lower that what it became and still is. Occasional gusts rock my van. Smoke is heavy in the air. Bend moved to “orange, 2 steps below green for unhealthy. Winds forecast to die down overnight . Temp in town dropping to 37 degrees.

Need to drive back to town tomorrow for resupply, riding depends upon air quality.

My chain has stretched to the larger gap on the chain stretch tool. The chain and cluster have almost 1,300 miles on them, the chain ring has even more. Not skipping or otherwise misbehaving, wonder how many more miles? I have a new chain, chain ring, and cassette to put on when what I have on now fails.

Up here on these trails there are frequent short sight lines, some of them are on slopes either up or down. Uphill riders are to have the right of way. However, not all downhill riders are either not paying attention to climbers or have no intention of giving way. Scary. I turn my clanger bell on for notice. Today I was struggling up the big grunt on Swede ridge as downhill traffic was coming down. Each of them stepped upslope to let me pass. Last guy told me to turn off my bell as he had already yielded to me. I could not take a hand off the bar to heed his request. The bell clangs with each jolt. I ran into a guy going the other way. He was riding a Turner Sultan. We visited awhile sharing Turner stories.