Heat coming on

Today after completing my ride I checked the van thermometer which displayed 88 degrees. Hottest so far this spring. Under cloudless skies and a blustery breeze. Just what the forecast called for.

Drove down to VOC this morning for a ride. I pedaled away just before 11 on Verde Valley School road heading for Turkey creek trails. I planned on riding around Cathedral rock, 1st on Turkey creek side picking up Baldwin for west side, then up Templeton for N side, then finish up on Breezy and Slim Shady. And that’s what I rode. 12.4 miles pedaling for 1 hr 36 mins, climbed only 919′.

Cathedral from Baldwin
Hiline descent up there

Hiline is too much for me anymore, even when I rode it last. Descent is double black diamond. I always walked. Back in maybe 2011 I fell in the wash down after all the nasty stuff. I Straddled a bump stalling. I looked where I did not want to land and that’s where I landed. If I would have looked to my right I would have leaned into the back slope. I shattered my right collar bone and bent my rear brake lever. I picked myself up then riding what i could and walking what my shoulder would not allow. The bent brake lever was a mismatch with how I could make it work. Baldwin has some serious tech. made it to Verde Valley school road for pavement riding. Made it to the Bean, gave the shop my bike because I was unable to lift it onto the rack. Drove up to west Sedona to emergency room where the dr placed me in the healing harness. That’s my story. I have since successfully ridden the spot where I fell.

Baldwin connects with Templeton for a short piece right on shore of Oak Creek.

Oak Creek

Cathedral trail is closed because of covid. Switchbacks out of the creek are legendary for nasty hike a bike. Short piece after the climb to was descent to Breezy. Several small roll downs and seveal that are unrideable. This place in pic is a blind entrance, you need to hit the rock for transition, if you miss it could be a suspension collapser.

wash descent, stick the rock for transition, miss rock could be superman tumble

Breezy for the most part stays out of the wash but crosses it a bunch of times. Several years ago the FS armored the banks to prevent carving into the sand banks. Rock work was well done. Yavapi TH is open. I encountered 2 bikers and several hikers.

Back to van. Hot, full on sun exposure. I fikked my solar shower and hung it on the hood before I left. Upon return water was too hot which was good. Drove out to Beaverhead. I scored the nice spot on the left side of the road. I drained the solar shower into the Helios which is a bladder bag that is pressurized by an attached foot pump. A long hose connected to a kitchen sink spray nozzle. The Helios doesn’t heat the water but the spray nozzle makes for a nicer shower. First shower since way back in maybe January.

Thursday was laundry day which I did before riding. riding clothes hung on inside clothes line. Drove out to Cultural park for a Western gateway ramble. Lots of trail names for my ride. Climbed out of Dry creek on Axis which takes 11 mins. I like Axis more than Girdner. Spent night in town.

Tuesday at the Girdner trail head there was a fleet of horse haulers.

Girdner trailhead

I rode on the other side of 89 A so I did not encounter the riders. Upon my return the riders were back at their rigs. They took care of their mounts and loaded them up and drove away. They left reminders of their visit.

what was left from each of those trailers

Horse shit is part of their having horses. I don’t have a horse yet I ride the trails they ride. Fresh juicies on the trail that us bikers and hikers need to deal with, the horse riders accept leaving excrement. But when they leave manure at the trailhead like these rider did, to me it shows contempt to us non riders.

Reading Catch 22 for maybe the 3rd time. Way different than Tom Robbins.

Forecast high temps will be in upper 80s in 3 days. Might go up to Flag which is at 7,000′ for lower temps.

The side door has been open, it’s dark outside, and a light is on inside which has attracted non pain causingc insects which are liking the computer screen. I finally slid the mosquito netting across the doorway. 67 degrees at 9:30 PM.

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