Too big a gear at the start

Starting this is like that, the effort is a grunt and a hearty hurl to turn over the crank arms for forward motion.

Today was a 10 rider local group riding western gateway and social trails out here. we maintained spacing, well I did as I was off the main pack. I have known 8 of the riders over many years and ridden with. Our group lost big man Duf last week, we all knew him. These rides are hammers, we stop for short rests maybe at trail junctions otherwise, power to the pedals. Today my average heart rate was 130 which 2 above threshold, same route by myself was 120. These trails are fun pedal with little challenge from the tread, the social trails are tight and sketchy but rideable. Nice day, still wore light weight long sleeve wool jersey and sun screen on my nose. Didn’t take any pics.

FS has closed all campgrounds and many trail heads and trails down here. Places like Bell Rock and Devils bridge and Mescal. Trails on west side of 179 are open. At present dispersed camping is still open. I have been staying at the cultural park and riding from here. Will prolly repeat until booted.

Sat I drove into town, about 2 miles for water and groceries then returned. I sat outside reading while sun added color to my skin. I made a rest day. I rode 5 out of 7 days which is typical unless weather affected. New tires make a noticeable difference.

Hardly burning the furnace but it is back to its infrequent failure to light illness.

Life just is. It is fleeting. Ride every ride like it will be your last. Smile and be kind.