back bicycling

I have been caring for my body from this cold as in not riding but doing walks / hikes. Today I gave bicycling a whirl. Takeaway: high heart rate for amount of effort put in. Recovery time like 26 hours. Western gateway wander. Down Axis, cross Dry creek which is dry at this crossing, continue climb out, turn left on Bolo over to Last Frontier, right on Outer Limits to Cockscomb around to Aerie, reconnect with Cockscomb further along. Enjoy suspension on Aerie

on Aerie

connecting with Cockscomb another place. At Aerie / Cockscomb junction a fenced in plot exists for my guess as a control plot to study what happens outside that fence. To my untrained eye both appear the same. No cows here and no cheat grass.

control enclosure

Zoom down old powerline on Cockscomb, cut over on social trail to Rupp down to Dry Creek which had a small puddle to pedal thru. Climb to Girdner to Stirrup then climb out and back to van.

Trail management is never ending. Social trails can be created because there is a need for one that a system trail doesn’t support. Here at Girdner trail there is a trail segment that gets one from the parking area to the trail start. The FS decommissioned it by placing plant material on it. Because it met a need, riders created a new one right beside the old trail.

new social on left, on right is decommisioned social trail

So I hung out at the parking area after the ride. A foreigner who also slept out here but hasn’t been booted stopped for a visit. We talked about camping. City ordinance makes it illegal to camp withing city even on your private land. Did have 2 other visitors which contributed to social interaction. Visited with a guy who I saw his van here camping where I was, he said he stayed here 2 weeks before he got booted. Seems police checking is sporadic.

Sedona is very quiet as would be a tourist town during lock down. Laundromat is still open for tomorrows cleaning of the clothes. Working on sun burn.