Forecast lacks below freezing temps at night which is good enough for me to change from hard shoes to Bedrock sandals. Last night temps was comfortable enough while under my down blanket to not run the furnace till get up time. The furnace uses a fan to move the heated air which creates a base line sound. Last night no fan noise, almost too quiet to sleep. localized thunder storm produced sky colors:
Sunday I joined Johnny’s garage group. Rider population is Fox news viewers. I am the outlier, I don’t join in conversation. Sunny warm day. I seem to not sweat much yet I worked my way thru maybe 60ozs of water from my pack. I made contact with 2 prickly pears each of which let go spines into my body. I was worked. I rode Skywalker and Old Post in the other direction from my normal route, seemed to have more downhill this way. I left blue skies in Sedona as I drove down to VOC. Localized storm event. Brief shower fell at sleep spot.
Sat I helped again building a new trail, volunteers built .5 miles of hand built trail.
Normally I consider that work to be my physical effort for the day then chill. I heard a guy mention the Cottonwood bike shop group ride at 2PM. Hmm, group rides can be hammer fests. I chose to join. There is a small trail system just above the state park, names like Rust Bucket, Thumper, and Bones. Very warm under full sun with no shade. As the ride wore on several riders chose to bail. I stuck it out. 18.9 miles pedaling 2hrs 16 mins climbing 1473′. My HR data was average bpm of 135 which is 3 beats above theoretical anaerobic threshold and max rate of 154. I do stress myself.
Friday after PT I parked at the Cultural Park to ride Outer Limits as completed returning on Girdner. Outer Limits crosses Dry Creek up stream of former Draino. Creek was still wet feet crossing, mine did get wet including mid shin depth. I watched 4 riders pedal across immersing their bottom brackets. I joked about a shop offering free bottom bracket overhaul. They laughed and said they work for a bike shop, I carried my bike across because I do not work in a shop.
The FS rerouted apiece of last Frontier from up on top to below on a steep slope building bench cut tread. It was completed 2 days prior. Several big rock work solutions, fresh dirt, and exposure. Didn’t stop to take pics. Trail rejoins original Last Frontier. New piece of trail, Outer Limits swings west of Cockscomb.
I rode Aerie around to connect with Cockscomb down to Rupp and crossed flowing Dry creek again. Aerie maybe started as a blue is working its way to a black as dirt has been eroding which raises the rocks “out of the ground”.
Today is a rest day after 4 days of hard riding. Sunshine, warm, low humidity is returning water back to the sky.
Gonzaga was awarded a number 1 seed for the Big Dance.
I was shown a pic of a dead mountain lion hung up in a tree about 12′ off the water taken by a guy who floated Oak Creek down by the wineries.
This AM I stopped at the FS ranger station to inquire what the dead animal is in the previous post. Biologist identified it as a fox.