Yesterday at the Y I looked at myself naked in a full length mirror. What’s up with this black and blue where the color should have been a nice pale flesh color. DR exam and information to be at 9 today. All night to wonder if I might have harmed my equipment using an ice bag that displayed caution wording: do not put on body. Did I freeze my junk?
I drove to DR office, took the elevator to 3rd floor office. Greeted the office lady. She looked at me perplexed asking what was I doing here. I said I had a 9AM follow up appointment as stated on my discharge paper. She was not told. She was able to get me in 45 mins later. DR said let’s look. I dropped my drawers and called his attention to my discoloration. He said everything is just fine. I didn’t ask him when normal color will return. He pulled off the bandage. All is healing well. He said again to let my level of pain determine my activity. I told him about my 2 hikes, he was impressed. We said goodbye. Me with a plugged fissure and he I did not ask. Among others I would hope that he is rewarded knowing that his skill and knowledge heal people.
I drove down to Hailey to Chip’s for my new 46T drive train chain install. Chip said with emphasis while I was listening to his description of needing smaller gears for the climbing here. He sold me. To be installed is a Sun Race 11X46T 11 sped cassette and a new chain which is longer than present. I did my R&R in his parking lot. Chip cut the chain to proper length and adjusted the derailleur for the larger gear. The cluster is an 11 speed replacing a Shimano 11X42T 11 speed. The new gears gave me a 46T granny, next gear a 37T instead of a 42T top and 36T Shimano. Still an 11 speed which is compatible with what is on the bike presently. I also installed a near pair of rear brake pads.
Steve called Eve’s gulch for my test ride. Eves is at Adams Gulch TH. Steve invited Kirk whom I rode with here last week same day. Ride pedals up Adams Gulch aways to a junction for Eves that goes right up the gut of the gulch. Pedal pedal pedal. Trail climbed thru a meadow then became hand built single track with climbing turns and 1758′ climbed in 5.74 miles. After awhile Steve told me to go ahead, he was curious about my granny gear performance. I did use the gear when the angle demanded more from my body in a higher gear. What I noticed about low 46T gear: Little forward motion per pedal revolution, front end wanders because of low speed, correction seemed to be to stand up. Steve runs a 28T oval chain ring on an 11X42, his gearing is lower than mine still. For big hill riding his chain ring size would lessen the uphill pain. I did walk several short steeper sections more because the engine was over worked. At our turn around point we smelled elk. I caused 3 cows to scamper up the mountain side prior. Forest cover up here is burnt over lodgepole on on aspect and doug fire on the other. Lodgepole are white trunks. We pointed our bikes for home. woods dirt trails. I let gravity be my engine and coast. My bike is faster than Steve’s. We finished on Shadyslope which is single track in the forest above the gulch uphill trail.
So, I put big effort into my climb today. No greater discomfort caused by effort. DR said fix is in and I can’t damage it. I tested his work and word. 6 days post hernia repair.
Sleep spot:
Big mosquitoes out here last night. Still chilly enough at night to keep the door shut and windows closed. Last night the furnace ran.
Steve leaves Sunday for a fishing trip leaving me buddiless. We planned out 3 rides before he leaves which will prolly be my departure date also. Next up is Oregon.
Sunrise 6:06, sundown 9:22. Presently it is 9:37, fading alpenglow. Longest day is still to come.
read part of Philmont Scout ranch in NE New Mexico has burned. The SW is parched. I am here in moisture rich environ. I adventrued at Philmont back in 1964 at age 14. Major turning point of my life.