2,000 rides

29,0028 miles. 10 year anniversary is July 18. 3 different Turner bikes.

Last night laying in bed not sleeping very well and some health issues thinking about getting the next ride in. I planned a big ride just because it was a good ride. At wake up I worked on convincing myself that I could ride. I planned a shorter route with bail out points in case my body threw in the towel. I did complete the replanned loop while pushing myself. caterpillars are almost all under ground preparing for their winter sleep. Still black splotches on the tread. 18.4 miles climbing 1552′ pedaling time 2 hrs 12 mins. I worked pretty hard. As always a fun descent of Phils trail. Single track old school.

Extensive trail system I collectively call “Phils” Lots of miles and many ways to create a ride. A pedal fest.

Stayed at camp spot. After the ride I sat in the sun reading Pudd’nhead Wilson by Twain. Wet wash cloth wiped off the sweat and dirt from the ride. made skillet cornbread for dinner. Listening to the home broadcast of the Mariners.