Friday night

Stopped at 10 Barrel this evening to start the weekend. Sinister is back on tap after the plumbing part replaced. Tuesday night was the COTA annual meeting at the east side 10 Barrel and brewery. Walked head on to a 10 Barrel management group. I was warmly greeted by all. COTA meeting upstairs, attended by maybe 40 people. Finger food dinner.

So, the hernia repair incision still sends uncomfortable signals that my brain heeds to demand less of the body. Actually rides are enjoyable. When I ride by myself I usually put my head down and ride the entire ride non stop. Every day I add more stress, longer time of enjoyment.

Today drove to Import Performance arriving at 8:30 after sharing the road with commuters. I had concern with the temperature running hotter than I would like it to be. Service found just to replace the air cleaner. Shop appears to be a tender care shop. Got the van back b4 noon.

What to do? still early enough for a ride but what route? Motivation was lacking. Idea? Start from Skyliner climb FS gravel rd to intersection with Mrazek, now deep lodgepole twisty single track to Farewell intersection for the drop off the ridge. Finish on Tumalo creek. I made it happen. Cross off full climbing on the road. Long and steep, did pedal granny. 52 mins climbing 1050′ in 4.65 miles. Early part of distance was on flat or slight downhill. Just turn the pedals. A straight section would appear and I would look ahead. I had to keep raising my chin because of the climb angle. Shit, brain goal, road would bend showing even more climbing, one piece was even steeper. I kept after it. Then the single track. Wiggle waggle gently climbing thru lodgepole forest with lots of dead downfall. Then Farewell which drops down to Tumalo Creek. An elevation band exposed sharp edged rocks, like fangs. Riding over the points tested the thread count of the tires. Gingerly pace. Bike is stable over the chunder.

down and way out. falls overlook mid left hand edge

Foot prints going my way proceeded me. Somewhere ahead was a hiker. Sections with little sight line. I caught him on a straight away then hollered greeting and negotiated overtaking. Friendly reply. The an empty wide open smooth tread Tumalo creek down. OK some repeat.

Yesterday I rode from here connecting to Catch and Release heading up Deschutes River to pick up the river trail mostly gently downhill. Watched 2 rafts run rapids viewed right from the trail.

Deschutes fun

Returned to west side for shower, laundry, beer, food truck dinner at the Lot, then back to score my spot. Partiers have not been back. Last 2 days a questionable trailer has occupied that spot. The trailer is not leveled even though flat spots are present. Run a generator.  Staying our distance.


Milestone: 29,009 miles ridden. next ride is number 2,000, 20 days from today marks 10th anniversary.

Temps this year are lower both during the day and at night. No mosquitoes. Able to leave the side door open into dusk. Several nights the furnace has heated.

Several days ago I researched Fox Block contact and found a name. I called and left a message. He called back later that day. I asked for respect users of the blocks. He gave me a guy’s name, I called, left a message, he called me later. We made ourselves available for a possible meet yesterday. Late afternoon he called. I drove out to meet him. He knows ICF Fox blocks, radiant in floor heat. Going to send him my model for his comments. Fortunately he is busy long ways out. Lives in Christmas Valley which is beyond way far away.

Federal government can really harsh a buzz