Not sponsored by mommy and daddy

Read the bumper sticker on the back of a mercedes sprinter  parked at the bean.

Real life time cursor is turned off and I can’t see my way to stress free typing. Even spell check seems dead. Going to abort and reenter. Cursor found at last place I looked. Rebooting.

Today I drove up to W Sedona first for an exam by a dermatologist about this growth on my right shoulder which was way to small to be my head. Precancerous growth that he applied a sufficient amount of liquid N2 to kill the cells, Not to worry unless it comes back.

Next was van service down at Red Rock Precision who have made things work every year I have visited here. I geared up to ride Soldier Wash trails while the van was attended to. Parking was prime as it was just across the street from where I got booted previously.

Soldier Wash on a new and different bike. Bike is fast. Do I brake more often? Have my reflexes compensated? I go up hills faster and can lift the front wheel easier. The wide rims don’t appear to squish out the Ardents. I’m running 20psi front and 21 in back. Alex set the suspension sag. I use equal amounts of travel each end while leaving a touch of Oh Shit travel. The bike inspires confidence that I temper w/ caution. I stopped above the roll down on Javalina to study a line. I backed up and stuck it. Really didn’t deserve the fear I let into me. Just rolled down. Spot would have done it also if I would have let it go. I worked several tech spots. No warm up and trails start demanding effort right away.

Hangover saddle
Hangover saddle

Back to pick up van which is sitting in the completed rig parking. Walked in to learn that when the air cleaner was removed to check it fell apart. Replacement won’t be until tomorrow morning. Winds have died down clearing dust out of the air. At 183,000 mikes the wheels keeping rolling however effects of aging are apparent.

Drove back to VOC against holiday weekend traffic heading into Sedona. Maybe 2 miles of backed up slowly moving traffic. If I am going to west Sedona I leave in the early morning to beat the jam. Tomorrow it is back up for the air filter and a PT session. I should be back in time to go on the shop ride.

Yesterday I rode my Llama breezy route. OK, quit gushing about how great this RFX is.

This afternoon I learned that this is Easter weekend.

Tuesday was so windy.

After the wheel truing the rotors were wiped down w/ alcohol to remove contaminants including the embedded necessary brake pad deposit needed for correct stopping. Yesterday I finally burned on what was needed to bring the brakes to full efficiency. Rear wheel locks up right now. When I need it to which is not often as I am not a hard braker and favor the front brake.

Friend Steve from Sun Valley will be here April 1 for the month. The possibilities of the road harken. I might stay the week. Time is getting short on this visit of my 3 month stay.

Temp at night is just above freezing. Cows are back.