The RFX is in my hands

Tuesday UPS delivered on their delivery commitment delivering my RFX to the Bean. I stopped at Fat Tire after my ride to turn out the spokes from the hub. Dave told me to come by the shop today after 11 and the wheels would be done. Not so, he’s working the sticky boiled linsene(?) oil out of the the threads.

It's all mine.
It’s all mine.

Wed Cody built the bike up which is now blocking my hall way. It lacks wheels that are needed to allow putting it on the bike rack.

I saw this yucca doing a bloom? Abe, please tell us what is happening:

new growth on yucca
new growth on yucca

The remodeled Whole Foods is attracting huge crowds. I asked an old time checker about the customers. She said about 20% are local enough for her to recognize. Place is doing a booming business. I graze their salad/ food bars for dinner. Killer food that i believe is healthy to me going in.