At present

1:47 MST Jan 23 Sedona, AZ, 46 degrees, intermittent rain showers. At Present.

Precip has moved in, forecast prior was light on rain probability. It is what is at present.

Reading the forecast and taking appropriate action is incorporating experiences to improve the likelihood that my genes will remain in the  pool. These desert dirt roads become very slippery when wet. This rain has refilled dry low spots, my van would not make it out. When deciding on a sleep spot I plan to the forecast depending upon where I will be. Here in the desert driving a dry rd in and rain falls overnight creating said slippery mud means being stranded. Here I have option so far of parking at the paved overlook. I was there last night and will be staying there for most of next week. Internet speed is spottier than mp4 and traffic. Yesterday was slightly wet I could have driven out to spot but this morning after several overnight showers would have me writing this marooned on dry land.

Today was a no ride day. I asked Fat Tire Dave to service my fork, he said yes, lets make an appointment. I suggested Mon but he said how about today  Saturday. We made it happen. Drove to uptown to shop. Dave only allows general public in if they made an appointment which meant that for 3 hours of service we were one and one conversation. We enjoyed a Craig conversation. We respect each other which makes our conversations be they in person or over the phone. Fork has been serviced to Dave’s exacting standards and we both valued the together time. It will be days before I will enjoy the result.

Yesterday forecast called for scattered showers high enough to warrant credibility. I had a PT session at 1:30 in west Sedona. My plan was to drive to Posse Grounds park to park for a Soldier Pass ride when rain was not falling. To be completed in time to make PT. I parked where drizzle fell off and on postponing riding. A hard shower fell for several minutes then a patch of blue opened upwind. I’m in for riding. Sucker hole. Geared up and included my rain jacket. Light drizzle, if this is what it is I was good to continue. Dropped in on greenlevel bike park trail encountered Jordan working with a shovel on trail. Wet dirt is great because it can be packed. Crazy, as I approached he looked up and I was watching, neither recognized each other till we got close enough. I figured it was he because he is deeply involved in the bike park. He remembered me. Dropped in behind the Catholic church on social trails to Adobe Jack and other straight forward trail names to Devil’s Kitchen. There were 2 bike tracks ahead of me on soft dirt. Ruts were not made and dirt did not ball up on my tires. Turned on Jordan. Working on overcoming aversion to riding wet rocks because they might be slippery. This soft sandstone still offers my need for traction. Learning that I can ride at angles well past straight on. My quest today was descending Javalina which I did. All by myself. Dirt of sufficient firmness and no dust. Then came the climb out up Grand Central taking short cut on Coyote where sprinkles had changed to rain, I stopped and put on that rain jacket. Short piece of repeat Adobe and social trail, and pavement and I returned to van. Changed clothes while not lingering and made my PT session.

on Jordan. juniper berries

I hung many wet garments on the clothesline inside. High humidity and humidity creating burning the cat infrared heater. Product of combustion is CO2 and water vapor. The Propex is dead which doesn’t create moisture inside. But it is no longer a choice.

The propex finally failed to light. Web search for solution. Found shop in Prescott with Propex connection. Cool, Local. Called, no longer involved with them. Eyes pointed to vancafe in Fort Collins as service and retail. 12 hour drive to there or I could buy a new one for about same price as driving there and back except back ordered with no ecd. Contact with shop suggested shipping it to them for service. That made sense, next solution was to find service shop. I called shop I used in past. Made appointment for Tues for them to remove and plug holes and cut off propane line then I will UPS to shop. Appointment is for this Tues. However, forecast is calling for maybe 3 inches of snow on Tues which tightens my scrotum driving on snow covered roads. So, back on the other furnace. Overnight combustion moisture condensed on the inside of the windshield. I let the engine run this morning before I left for desteaming the windshield. This will be life until Propex back and running. This heater only has settings for hi, mid, and low with no thermostat. And I have to manually start it. The Propex is thermostat which meant once switched on the themostat took over. The Propex has so far let me down enough times to merit keeping the back up. I should not do my nails when the heater is on.

Solutions and change. For last 2 years I have parked at an empty office building as it meant my needs for location. Added benefit was an open outside spigot to great city water, good enough to drink from the tap. When I found the spot it was a solution to a previous spot. Two days ago I was parked there when a car horn beeped. I looked out, hmm something up. Older woman switched her window down and told me very quickly I was trespassing and she reported me to the police so I could drive away now or she would have me towed. Shit, booted. Change. Solution: park behind the outlet mall and maybe get water from Absolute bike. Change, interruption from pattern. I have a solution till next change.

Waiting for the arrival of my new I 9 front wheel.

Arizona legalized recreational pot at first of year. Present choice of supporting new legal or gray area.

I revised my email closing.

A better time has arrived, I removed the true sticker