
records what happened. Yesterday I rode down at VOC riding trails that I have ridden over the years here. There are many features to overcome on the trails. History: I mastered many challenges over the years including today. However, there are several on Llama that I have history of non accomplishment. When faced with these I accept the fact that I am unskilled to make. That little armored climb on Llama for example. I bounce my front wheel up the first plate and stall. It’s about my inability to make the pedals go round. It’s deeply imbeded this lack of driving my legs up the climb. Although success in making one climb on the first go, I went back and did it a second time. Both times I stood on the pedals and muscled my way up. That’s what it needs: hard driving muscles pushing on the cranks.

looking down armored climb on Llama

Drought here. The manzanita last spring blossomed and developed berries. Lack of water seemed to have killed the berries before they were ripe but they did not develop the abscission layer to allow them to drop. Now berries are like ornaments, I touch them and they drop off.

manzanita berries

Turned left on Little Horse rolled all the descents first time. Turned left on Breezy to encounter another spot of past history. Again, accept that it is better than me. Finished on Slim Shady back to finish. Trail all to myself. 10.9 miles pedaling for 1 hr 30 mins climbing 827′. While distance and time appear short, they do not capture the effort to go that distance.

Drove back out to Beaverhead which is still open. I have only shared my spots with you readers to increase the chanceĀ  of me getting that spot. Self protecting. Furnace still runs all night long, morning temp today was 33 degrees.

Today was wash day so I drove back up to West Sedona. I visited with Mike at the Uhaul till customers meant business for him. Clean clothes with line drying ones almost dry form this low humidity and 60s temp.

drove down to the recycling center to a small parking spot. I planed on riding a long standing loop of SSS. First was Old Post to Skywalker, to Scorpion, Ramshead, Ridge then Sketch back to ridge working system trails back. My skills have improved as has my confidence. A trail that grips my grips is Scorpion because of all the basalt babyheads or rock gardens. Slow speed causes tottering and possible tip over falls. My pedaling effort was better today. I sessioned several features to make up for first go failure.

On Ridge looking S, Courthouse and Bell way back.

Need to cut short to fix dinner up here at Culture park then drive down to PJs to watch the Zags game.