It’s Wednesday

That means tomorrow is laundry day. Important to maintain a reference point in this open unstructured life style.

Freeze thaw mud once the way below freezing temps at night to just above freezing during the day. Last night the temp rose to 22 degrees outside, toasty me at 46. Slept warm enough under just the down blanket but wearing my wool ski hat and socks.

ice build up on inside of windshield

Spending my time not riding or even hiking finding activities to consume time till bedtime around 10PM.

Yesterday was oil change. I vaguely remember the shop location. I did ask google to provide driving directions which I followed thru Junction heading to shop. Before I would turn to the memory location google told me my destination was on the right. There was no turn off US 50. I pulled off at the first opening and called the shop for directions. The shop is located where google said it was. He rattled off directions and landmarks etc that left me unlocated. I found the frontage road then the shop having a less than life size shop name. Rolled in me in the waiting room and the van into a service bay. I asked about the cabin air filter due for checking. Shop returned with dust clogged filter and a comment about having a mouse nest. I did not follow up on the mouse.

Drove east on l70 to Palisades for the closest dispensary for provisioning. As I traveled east from Fruita the snow amount increased. This snow storm started out Sun AM when temp was 52 degrees in the morning. rain started falling which wet surfaces as the temp dropped fast enough to turn that clinging water to ice, then wet clinging snow then slightly drier snow. Snow stuck to remaining leaves on vegetation. Haven’t seen broken tree branches yet. The lower plants are bowed downward under the load.

I have spent time inside OTE visiting. To date state requires masks which are complied with but not head count restricted. Human interaction.

Have been staying at same spot north of Loma. I drive in late afternoon when the temp has put warmth back into the earth. I have guiding wheel ruts to my stop spot which requires leveling blocks under the right side wheels placed when the surface dirt has thawed. Overnight space takes the heat back freezing blocks to earth and are too fragile to beat on. I drive away leaving then there. Each day retuning so far the blocks mark the empty spot.

looking SW
looking more east

Bought house brand REI knickers yesterday, waist size 30. I tried them on: will need a belt to hold up. Hard part about a belt is it will be underneath the hip belt of my Wingnut hydration pack which is designed to have weight carried on hips which protects my damaged right shoulder. Knickers to give protection to me knees during shoulder seasons of summer shorts and winter tights. Saves putting on light weight knee warmers for about the same warmth.

This morning I watched a video on riding Marquette area trails shot by a rider riding the trail. Video gives idea of speed he is making. I have never shot a riding video which would capture my speed to compare to what I viewed. I am inclined to believe that he rides a heck of a lot faster than me. At those speeds I understand how others can be frightened by their sudden appearance. Seems that the mountain biking sport is about how fast I can ride. A life style rider would be about riding and being there and prolly riding slower. That’s what I do and I am a Lifestyle Rider. Yes, and I prolly can’t ride at their speeds.

10:43 AM, furnace still heating. 36 degrees under strong sunshine outside, 72 inside at van ceiling height. Warm enough to forego long underwear bottoms but wanting a midweight wool long under top under my winter weight wool sweater. Wearing shearling booties. Fingers hit the correct keys mostly; spell check takes up the slack. Solar panel collecting and transmitting energy to batteries showing  volts. Going to stay here rest of the day. Wonder if panel will max charge those batteries. Furnace ran all night running battery reserve to 12.02 volts which was good. Forecast high is 51. Fri moves into 60s and stays for short range.

Monday I leave for Moab.

Recently I traveled back in time reading October posts from past years. Memory recall backed up by written word. If you give me a date the event happened I could look that day up for memory refresh that’s if I wrote about it.