Wearing body part

This summer and into the fall my right leg has been unhappy. During the summer my right knee was fixed thru physical therapy. At that time my hip was barking. As time went on the barking came from a bigger dog causing me more discomfort. I kept putting off treatment. My first attempt of fixing was a chiro adjustment last week here in Hailey which corrected back alignment that I hoped would have fixed my hip. It did not. Finally this last weekend I reached a tipping point to take action. I drove down to Hailey on Tuesday and sat in internet service and researched PT. I found what appeared to be the more attractive office and I walked to the office. It was closed. Next choice. I called, phone was answered, I explained my need, she asked when I could come in. Soon. She said that today there was a 2 PM opening and next opening would be next week. I booked the appointment. Next was to obtain a DR referral to satisfy medicare.  In town there is an urgent care office. I walked to that office and discovered the PT office was right across the hallway. DR poked my hip finding the piriformis muscle was the source of pain. Received the referral. Received the PT which started my recovery in stretches and exercises. I later made another appointment for next week. I am able to ride while overiding the discomfort. Overuse on old equipment is bound to produce unhappy parts.

On Tues I missed a ride with Steve and the Boys but I drove out to where they rode from on Boullion gulch. Learned of sweet sleep spot in the gulch.

Spent quiet night.

Steve planned a ride on Wed at Croy which is just down the road from this spot. The Croy trails are on BLM land and are mostly purpose built favoring mtn bikes, some were machine built others old school dirt work. We met at 1 PM for blast off. Sunny day and in upper 70s for heat with no shade.

Hailey in green, Croy area

Joy of riding with a local who picks the ride and guides me, I become sloppy in not remembering the trail names, that’s Steve’s role to keep me found. This area is where you ride early or late in the year to not get baked.  Today we rode Lambs Gulch that I haven’t ridden since before the burn in 2013.

Lambs gulch burned out, fire was in 2013

Lambs Gulch is off Democrat gulch. There were numerous beaver dams and pools on the creek. The fire seemed to have burned the dams and this year’s drought has dried up the creek and several small springs. Fire was intense enough to kill even the sage plant roots. Regrowth succession is sparse.


Steve pulled me down Lambs gulch at high speed. His actions prepared me for what I would be riding over.

Trails here are smooth with berms making for high speed descents. Quite different than trails further up the Valley in the trees.

machine cut trail weathering in

On Monday I pulled off my PUSH eleven 6 coils shock then UPS’d it back to them for annual service. I reinstalled the stock Monarch air shock. My first ride was yesterday on air can and I did not know what to expect. Worse case the suspension would have been a handful, best it would not be as plush. The trails maybe didn’t fully test the different shock as I enjoyed my ride. I should have elevensix back on next week.

I made a fridge service appointment to make it run colder for next Friday down at Twin. If my shock is back I will continue my travels heading east and south.

Extreme drought here in Wood river valley. Some days smoke drifts in from distant fires. Air quality falls to unhealthy some days. Today’s forecast calls for periods of smoke, yesterday was just for haze.

Aspen trees turn colors and drop their leaves depending upon their location. Sunday I walked up Corral creek from where I stay on Trail creek. Bare trees.

dropped leaves aspens

Drove to laundromat in Hailey today.  Signs requiring masks have been removed in violation of law. Several customers showed their defiance and ignorance by being uncovered.

Today I have a virtual appointment with naturopath concerning my gut health. I have been on a SIBO diet now for a month and taking her prescribed herbs to some success. I still have no body fat but still have energy to ride strongly. Haven’t drunk a beer, eaten ice cream, or baked treats for a month. Eating lots of chicken and fruits.

House flies are my guests in my van. Lots, just tolerate them while waiting for killing cold. I have watched copulation which I break up with a swat. Before my hand reaches the couple they break free. So much procreation I wonder where she lays her eggs.