As said prior Steve has a list of rides to do. Yesterday was another ride punched on his dance card. Perhaps a once a year ride. We got’er done.
Warm Springs awaited us. Steve figured 3 hours of pedaling to complete the loop. Cold mornings and shortening days boxed us in to a 1:30 pedaling underway from TH at bottom of Red Warrior trail . Stutter bump gravel road way up the creek drive. A common trait Steve and I have is punctuality, we pedal away at the time we planned to start the ride. Today for me a sense of apprehension was way off stage in my brain as this ride was big and possible darkness. I carried my same Wingnut pack in which I carry survivable overnight things like a headlamp, fire starter, and knife. Today my extra food was a small container of peanut butter honey mix and a small baggie of cooked chicken. Whew, the first part of the ride was nonstop pedaling of 7 miles taking just an hour on the stutter bump road into a head wind. Quite a few vehicles passed us each way, some slowing to not dust us and others, mostly kept the pedal down. We stopped for a pee brake. I watched this rig coming at us really fast and stirring up dust. I motioned pushing down my palm to indicate slow down. He was not slowing down so I increased the intensity of my gesture. He did slow down then stopped right at me then yelled at me thru the open window. He dared me to make the gesture again as he was going to beat the shit out of me because it is Idaho. I only ask for curtesy of consideration of your actions adversely affecting another human being: breathing your dust. He had a passenger and 2 full on mtn bikes on back, he is one of us.
At road’s end we turned onto a jeep track after crossing the first of many creek crossings. Several dirt bikers were resting. One shared opinion that we were pedaling and not an ebiker. We wondered if dirt bikers have issues with ebikes. Trail climbed becoming single track right up the shrinking creek. We climbed solid for 2 hours except for blows. Windy, mountainous, way back there, almost all by ourselves.

The vista rest stop at the top of the climb was buffeted by stiff breeze. We coasted a short distance to a calm place not hung over the edge of the trail.

Short break just for a bite and to put on wind shells. Getting towards 5 PM, slanting light rays fall light late afternoon. Back on bikes a short distance later we intersected with Warfield gulch which was our only bailable point. Steve is familiar with the route and insisted we can complete our ride down the next gulch, Red Warrior. A bit of climbing mixed in with downs we arrived at Red Warrior and our descent almost home free.

Years ago Steve lead me on a ride up here and once I pedaled and pushed up what we will be going down. 4.97 miles dropping 1558′ took 32 mins to vans. Backcountry single track crossing and recrossing the creek, each crossing presented challenges and choices: can I pedal across or walk? Decisions were made from track stand. I chose to ride thru each crossing all the while considering that each crossing might have deeper water and is it rideable. My bottom bracket was wetted several times, my front fender caught resulting spray. On and down we went. Arrived at wet foot crossing of Warm Springs creek. We both agreed we were glad the descent was over. The crossing lacked full length crossing stepping stones and the creek was unfavorable to ride cross. Wet feet. All the pedaling really worked my butt cheeks another reason to be glad the ride was finished successfully.
What a ride! We finished 13 mins short of 3 hours, 18.6 miles climbing 1926′. And just after 5PM, sundown 6:50PM.
I drove back to town looking for first open camp spot. Score, first one. Put newspaper inside my shoes then put them in front of the heater duct, now they are on the windshield. Shoes take a long time to dry out. My butt cheeks are being sat on.
I have ridden 9 straight days. The weather and trails here are so desirable and my time here is short, get it while I can.
Today I scored a sleep spot out Trail creek that has internet. No precip in forecast.
This week I will shop for a new refrigerator in Grand Junction, CO. My plan is to set up purchase and install date to pull me there. Maybe 2 weeks.