Such an animal

Off and on insects of this kind find their way inside.

Last night I was down for the day laying in bed reading when what to my wondering eyes did I spy but a tossing and turning spot maybe insects. I watched as the action continued. It turns out to be a pair mating of these insects. Rear entry. She fought, he persevered. Post coitus one flew away, maybe back to mom, while the other lay played out. Go figure. They lived out their life somewhere inside.

I’m down here VOC land. Yesterday still favoring cold recovery I hiked 2 hours on Transcept out and back trail head is off Verde Valley School road which is access to Turkey creek trails etc. Several years ago it was adopted as a legal trail and some trail reconstruction was performed to mitigate water damage. Just a whole lot of tech challenges and some steep push a bike climbs, down lower lower bike. Last year Bill and I partnered with our bikes to ride this from Highline. Serious body damage potential. Beautiful day, just wonderful to be outside.

trail traverses over to go around rock glob

Not a trail I would ride solo and I won’t go out of my way to glob on to another rider.

Turkey creek area Napoleon in center

Drove out to Beaverhead. Picked the green ground covering and out in the open spot, its turning at the first right after the overlook.

Today drove back to VOC. Plan was to ride Turkey Creek which I executed to perfection. First task was to deal with lossing air rear tire which I sumised to be caused by rim tape slipping to expose nipple holes. Droe to Absolute here. Open at 10, and at 10 I called the shop, 3 ring phone answered. I greeted a wrench at the door he unlocked from the inside. At arm’s length I handed him my wheel minus the tire which I removed in the parking lot out front. Several minutes later my wheel was handed back to me with serious rim tape, credit card transaction. Seated the tire then squirted 1 3/4 bottles of Stans. Good to go. No more weeping at the spoke nipples.

Bike issue attended to. drove down and parked at old SNAP operation. Pedaled out Verde Valley school road that has brand new asphalt pavement. My knobbies threw off a noise. My dirt ride was following memory, I was always found. Trails here are more technical than the western gateway trails and fewer miles. Pic above follows back to riding area, public land.

Ran into Pat who is Beth’s mom who lives in Moab. She was told that her roommate was camped across a county line outside the closed counties when a law officer asked to see their driver’s licenses which showed they lived in the closed county, he told them to get back across county line. Now, I am repeating what I heard several times removed. I was sent a link to Moab closure. Primitive camping still open but requested residences camp in their own county. Screwed down town protecting its citizens.

Back out at MP4. Same spot. There are campers at the first 2 road choices, on this road this site is always open. Exposed. Close off the hard road over cast in rut features. Creep speed. I’m inside out of the wind, warm, and legal.

Tomorrow morning scratch pancakes then up to Bell rock area. Trail head and trail access from same are closed. I can find trails for legal access to those trails. Might have to ride up Slim Shady which means step ups versus roll downs and elevation gain.

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