back bicycling

I have been caring for my body from this cold as in not riding but doing walks / hikes. Today I gave bicycling a whirl. Takeaway: high heart rate for amount of effort put in. Recovery time like 26 hours. Western gateway wander. Down Axis, cross Dry creek which is dry at this crossing, continue climb out, turn left on Bolo over to Last Frontier, right on Outer Limits to Cockscomb around to Aerie, reconnect with Cockscomb further along. Enjoy suspension on Aerie

on Aerie

connecting with Cockscomb another place. At Aerie / Cockscomb junction a fenced in plot exists for my guess as a control plot to study what happens outside that fence. To my untrained eye both appear the same. No cows here and no cheat grass.

control enclosure

Zoom down old powerline on Cockscomb, cut over on social trail to Rupp down to Dry Creek which had a small puddle to pedal thru. Climb to Girdner to Stirrup then climb out and back to van.

Trail management is never ending. Social trails can be created because there is a need for one that a system trail doesn’t support. Here at Girdner trail there is a trail segment that gets one from the parking area to the trail start. The FS decommissioned it by placing plant material on it. Because it met a need, riders created a new one right beside the old trail.

new social on left, on right is decommisioned social trail

So I hung out at the parking area after the ride. A foreigner who also slept out here but hasn’t been booted stopped for a visit. We talked about camping. City ordinance makes it illegal to camp withing city even on your private land. Did have 2 other visitors which contributed to social interaction. Visited with a guy who I saw his van here camping where I was, he said he stayed here 2 weeks before he got booted. Seems police checking is sporadic.

Sedona is very quiet as would be a tourist town during lock down. Laundromat is still open for tomorrows cleaning of the clothes. Working on sun burn.

Tom Robbins to the rescue

Skinny Legs and All.

“We are our own dragons as well as our own heroes and we have to rescue ourselves from ourselves” a Tom quote.

Yesterday I finished East of Eden leaving me seeking the next book to read. I thought I had Still Life with Woodpecker in my easy to reach library down in the passenger’s wheel well. Not there. Most appealing was The Scarlet Letter. Read several lines and decided I would search further inside my home. Next was the furthermost cubby underneath the clothing drawer with drawer slides difficult to release the drawer. I wrestled to release the slides to dig underneath. My right arm has little strength which was needed to remove the drawer, I was able to slide the drawer to the extent of the slides and rooted underneath. I saw the subject book cover and I could reach it. I pulled it out then slid the drawer closed. Book has a warped corner. I put the water jug on top of it attempting to flatten it. It helped, curled does not affect his words. Published in 1990 when I prolly read it for the first and only time, I took it along with me with hopes of rereading it you know someday. Back into wisdom and wit of Tom Robbins. What a different read from last 3 big books I had read. Head spinner. I will be challenged and stimulated for many days of reading.

This mild cold is affecting my riding. Sat I rode this time on the Oak Creek side riding down Herkenham, climbing Old Post over to N junction to Carroll Canyon to Ridge, up to connect to end of Sketch to rejoin Ridge at the other end, continued over to Secret Slick Rock, connected with Ramshead to rejoin Old Post for entire climb out to connect to Skywalker back to van. 10.9 miles climbing 1155′, big day of climbing. I encountered more riders than hikers, all combined was less than 15.

Pyramid and Schurman

Hung at the park. I researched Sedona ordinances and discovered that I was in violation of not only sleeping there but cooking. Ordinance covers all private land within city. Scofflaw now. Decided to drive out to Beaverhead on FS where I would be able to cook and sleep. Late arrival at overlook so I made a hasty dinner. I gave thought to checking out FS rd 525 west of town, the go to place for campers seeking to be near Sedona. I learned that the place is plugged with campers, not news I hoped to hear which is why I returned to less crowded Beaverhead. Sunday I returned to VOC with hopes of riding in spite of unfavorable forecast. I was invited to a dinner at Dave’s that I accepted but later cancelled as I did not want to expose them to my cold. Filled water tank, bought fresh beans, then drove out to MP4. Scored spot close to road. Forecast called for showers that night into the next. Showers, not rain. I reasoned that not enough rain was forecast to turn the dirt track out to slime. I was provisioned to be able to spend 2 days here to wait out firming up the road and also to wait same for trails. At end of rd is this compound that i watched grow during my stays here. They are gone but not their possessions.

abandoned compound at end of MP 4 rd

Before sunrise rain fell as a heavy shower. Snug and dry inside, enjoyed a not normal second cup of coffee and stuck my nose in Skinny Legs. Rain quit, puddles were formed. I waited and watched the puddles dry. I wanted to check out the road out. Another van spent the night closer to the hard road and had a different shot at the final problem before the hard road. They scooted. Mud stuck to the bottom of my sandals. back in van, black clouds moved in and dumped another shower, lesser this time. Now outside the puddles are dry and the dirt is firming up. No more precip forecast, I will drive out firm dirt tomorrow and ride firm trails.

Cold has causing me to cough, darn chest cold. Health tip: if cold is above shoulders play, if below be easy. I check my temp daily which remains fever free.

Viewed official Arizona web site for the corona virus. Yavapai county, where I am, has recorded less than 10 cases.

Tom Robbins was born in N. Carolina. I googled map location which is near where I have been. Nearby is Cherokee NF that the map displayed message forest is closed. I checked further that closure meant same as what is here in Coconino: public places closed.

Sister Lynn’s daughter is being married Aug 8 in Columbus, OH. Hot and sticky midwest. I plan on attending and am working over ideas of how to get there. I do want to spend time in western Appalachians meaning heat and humidity. Linger on travels to visit places not so popular. Reading about Cherokee NF 1 past place ridden is closed, the Ocoee whitewater center and campground. Located on TENN and N C border. believe it i rode and 8 mile downhill there 2X. There was a slight bit of pedaling . Deciduous forest. Pisgah. Oh Michaux SF near Gettysburg. Mountain bikers from the west hardly go east unless they came from there. Bikers there come to mountains and desert. Imagine you live in say Brevard, NC in wet deep shade tree cover experiencing like Sedona. Imagine that they flew in to Phoenix arriving after dark then driving to lodging in Sedona. They wake up to their eastern time zone clock, it is still dark outside. The skies slowly light up revealing Sedona’s red rock wonders. Jaw dropping. Cause I can go back there and soak up wet and darkness. Van is good to go. However, the virus restrictions will not be required as we had flattened the curve. Hope is not a plan.

I left college when I was 22, I am now 70, 48 years later. In this time I have lived almost entirely by myself. I lived by myself and didn’t socialize unless it was group physical activity. I was alone in a sea of people but I experienced human contact. I was alone but not lonely. Today with the virus social distance and stay at home protol has shrunken my human interactions, I am becoming lonely. Listening to music and as background activates my mind, human contact. Tom Robbins is spinning my mind.

Desert out here is a sea of Cheat grass. Nothing eats it but it crowds out native plants. Grazing cows break open the soil under their hooves. Cheat is a prolific seeder, vectors seed broken ground, cheat emerges, grows, and seeds itself. Soon cheat is primary ground cover. After seeding it dies and dries out remaining upright. Very hot and fast moving brush fires happen. Public pays to put out. Rancher pays a grazing fee, cows significantly alter the ecosystem they graze on. Crowded out are the native plants and wildlife. We pay for that in long term environmental degredation. A few financially benefit yet many pay for the damage.


Good thing came to an end last night, more like after bed time, Sedona police awakened me with a bull horn and spot light telling me I was sleeping in my RV in Sedona which isn’t allowed and that I was trespassing on private property. He asked for me to wave at the window. I crawled out of bed and acknowledged his order. He said have a good night. I didn’t know if he meant to leave right now or leave in the morning. I crawled back into bed and pondered my response. Plan B was to drive to another in town sleep spot or try to go back to sleep. I decided that he meant now. I crawled back out of bed and made ready for driving. I drove deserted 89 A checking in the rear view mirror to make sure I wasn’t being followed to another in town sleep spot. No tail. I slid into a visibly protected spot and went back to bed and sleep as best as I could. At this spot I am hidden from street sight. As I drove out of Cultural park I noticed it was empty meaning that everybody else was booted. So be it. It was a great location because I could ride right from my van and was close to grocery store. Oh well. I was in active home confinement and getting exercise. Today I will check out dispersed camping off Beaverhead.

At present my body and me are fighting a cold that won’t either come on full strength or go away. My nose runs and I am staring to get a wet cough but my temp remains normal as I check that morning and night. My breathing is chest cold affected.

On Wed I really worked a ride from Cultural park. Amazing to me that both in heart range and above it were of identical times. Powerful pedal stroke comes from slightly lowering my seat. I encountered 2 riders and 6 hikers. Western gateway trail selection offers many trail choices. i did not create a scramble other than my selection. I rode down Stirrup to Girdner to Snake, then AZ Cypress to Dry creek rd bridge over trickling Dry Creek,

roadside parking just before Mescal TH, lack of social distance

cross country travel to intersect Aerie at start of fun slight downhill bermy turns, really great for carving. Big climb up to high point on Aerie then rocky decent to Cockscomb. On Aerie I turn on my bell to audibly message others of my presence if they do not have ear buds in. Turn on start of Outer Limits to Last Frontier cutting over on Bolo to Axis for the climb out. The piece of Axis from Dry creek to end is miles climbing 210′, took 11 minutes of non stop pedaling, heart rate was 133 average. Total ride was 15.1 miles gaining 1234′ pedaling for 1 hr 56 mins. Sunny afternoon spent outside shirtless reading East of Eden.

Tuesday I went for a hike from the park. I hiked system trails till i hit the pipeline right of way. As I was standing on the right of way I heard buzzing sounds like a drone overhead. I did not see one but I did experience a honey bee swarm overhead and stragglers down at my level. Shit, I freaked that they might decide that I was the object they would want to swarm on. I stood stock still until they continued their way.

The FS has closed popular trailheads. Down here in the Village closed are the likes of Bell rock and Cathedral. I do not know if the trails are closed. I checked the Slim Shady trail at the Red Agave which lacked any closure notification. From there access can be gained to ride over to like Llama and others.

Temps were within wearing shorts comfort. On Thurs I bared my legs. The breeze chilled me, today I am back in long pants. I have been gently enbracing warming first by Bedrock sandals and bare feet, then short sleeved shirt. Another week maybe.

Years ago a local told me that garden planting time is related to Cat Claw leafing. Cat Claw is still bare as my legs should not have been. I have been riding in shorts without knee warmers for several weeks, this week my riding jerseys were all short sleeve but not the summer weight.

The movie 3.10 to Yuma was filmed back in 1957, parts were shot locally. Up near identifiable Coffee Pot, just raw desert. Money had not invaded. Black and white, grainy, and bad acting.

I went on line to order Patagonia riding shorts that were on sale. I put desired pair in my basket then clicked check out. Banner returned to effect that they were on lock down but I could save my order for future fullfilling.

As more states are implementing increasingly stringent travel bans making travel either less desirable or banned. I am here in AZ with WA plates which immediately identifies me as non local. Bend, OR, per news feeds, is contemplating a $1,000 fine for short term rental violations. I am concerned that local effort could ban out of staters. FS and BLM campgrounds have been closed but so far dispersed camping is permitted. FS is responding to local request. If dispersed is closed I will be not homeless but no where to sleep.

At present I am $ safe as I am drawing SS and Boeing pension and an allowance from the proceeds from my house sale. I have no debt. I am concerned about social decay from stressed have nots turning to robbing the haves. I am exposed should that happen. I don’t live in a gated community. Gun shops are still open selling guns and ammo. There is a shooting location near where the above pic was taken. I hear firing for a long distance. I have no data if there is an increase in shooters nor what their motive would be. Suspect they are the haves.

John Prine died. I have enjoyed his creative output for years.

May you be healthy and safe. Off to desert.