Algorithm says be nice

I seem to believe that I have a mild cold creating slight chest congestion and I have been treating my body to rest and “easy” pedals. I tried that on my ride 2 days ago not pedaling so hard yet the heart rate data showed higher rate than I would have expected. Yesterday’s ride was a similar attempt on a route sim to previous ride but in reverse. Heart rate showed another high rate ride. 29 mins aerobic out of 2 hrs 16 mins, 1 hr 38 mins my rate was way over the top. 17.3 miles pedaling for that time climbing 1519′. recovery time was 26 hours. At this time of writing I am still in that recovery time. I am working my pedaling harder which is a possible explanation. I checked my heart rate and O2 saturation this morning, 56 bpm and 98% which says that I have recovered. I am not riding today.

So, yesterday was another pedal ride on western gateway system. Down Stirrup, connect to Girdner, climb and descend Anaconda, AZ Cypress crossing Dry creek trickle, social trail to Aerie climbing and descending chunder to Cockscomb, then finishing on Outer Limits. Just enjoyable trails and ride. Short sleeves and shorts, I produced sweat. Encountered just a few people.

Chimney rock
breach from tank at bottom of Canyon of Fools

Hung out at the Cultural park being around people at great distance even without conversation. Drove out to Beaverhead MP 4 road. Full on sunshine and stiff breeze. Pleasant night using the heater on low setting towards morning.


This AM I returned to VOC for faster internet to write this. I might go for a hike later as a rest day yet exercising.

May y’all be healthy.