
Good thing came to an end last night, more like after bed time, Sedona police awakened me with a bull horn and spot light telling me I was sleeping in my RV in Sedona which isn’t allowed and that I was trespassing on private property. He asked for me to wave at the window. I crawled out of bed and acknowledged his order. He said have a good night. I didn’t know if he meant to leave right now or leave in the morning. I crawled back into bed and pondered my response. Plan B was to drive to another in town sleep spot or try to go back to sleep. I decided that he meant now. I crawled back out of bed and made ready for driving. I drove deserted 89 A checking in the rear view mirror to make sure I wasn’t being followed to another in town sleep spot. No tail. I slid into a visibly protected spot and went back to bed and sleep as best as I could. At this spot I am hidden from street sight. As I drove out of Cultural park I noticed it was empty meaning that everybody else was booted. So be it. It was a great location because I could ride right from my van and was close to grocery store. Oh well. I was in active home confinement and getting exercise. Today I will check out dispersed camping off Beaverhead.

At present my body and me are fighting a cold that won’t either come on full strength or go away. My nose runs and I am staring to get a wet cough but my temp remains normal as I check that morning and night. My breathing is chest cold affected.

On Wed I really worked a ride from Cultural park. Amazing to me that both in heart range and above it were of identical times. Powerful pedal stroke comes from slightly lowering my seat. I encountered 2 riders and 6 hikers. Western gateway trail selection offers many trail choices. i did not create a scramble other than my selection. I rode down Stirrup to Girdner to Snake, then AZ Cypress to Dry creek rd bridge over trickling Dry Creek,

roadside parking just before Mescal TH, lack of social distance

cross country travel to intersect Aerie at start of fun slight downhill bermy turns, really great for carving. Big climb up to high point on Aerie then rocky decent to Cockscomb. On Aerie I turn on my bell to audibly message others of my presence if they do not have ear buds in. Turn on start of Outer Limits to Last Frontier cutting over on Bolo to Axis for the climb out. The piece of Axis from Dry creek to end is miles climbing 210′, took 11 minutes of non stop pedaling, heart rate was 133 average. Total ride was 15.1 miles gaining 1234′ pedaling for 1 hr 56 mins. Sunny afternoon spent outside shirtless reading East of Eden.

Tuesday I went for a hike from the park. I hiked system trails till i hit the pipeline right of way. As I was standing on the right of way I heard buzzing sounds like a drone overhead. I did not see one but I did experience a honey bee swarm overhead and stragglers down at my level. Shit, I freaked that they might decide that I was the object they would want to swarm on. I stood stock still until they continued their way.

The FS has closed popular trailheads. Down here in the Village closed are the likes of Bell rock and Cathedral. I do not know if the trails are closed. I checked the Slim Shady trail at the Red Agave which lacked any closure notification. From there access can be gained to ride over to like Llama and others.

Temps were within wearing shorts comfort. On Thurs I bared my legs. The breeze chilled me, today I am back in long pants. I have been gently enbracing warming first by Bedrock sandals and bare feet, then short sleeved shirt. Another week maybe.

Years ago a local told me that garden planting time is related to Cat Claw leafing. Cat Claw is still bare as my legs should not have been. I have been riding in shorts without knee warmers for several weeks, this week my riding jerseys were all short sleeve but not the summer weight.

The movie 3.10 to Yuma was filmed back in 1957, parts were shot locally. Up near identifiable Coffee Pot, just raw desert. Money had not invaded. Black and white, grainy, and bad acting.

I went on line to order Patagonia riding shorts that were on sale. I put desired pair in my basket then clicked check out. Banner returned to effect that they were on lock down but I could save my order for future fullfilling.

As more states are implementing increasingly stringent travel bans making travel either less desirable or banned. I am here in AZ with WA plates which immediately identifies me as non local. Bend, OR, per news feeds, is contemplating a $1,000 fine for short term rental violations. I am concerned that local effort could ban out of staters. FS and BLM campgrounds have been closed but so far dispersed camping is permitted. FS is responding to local request. If dispersed is closed I will be not homeless but no where to sleep.

At present I am $ safe as I am drawing SS and Boeing pension and an allowance from the proceeds from my house sale. I have no debt. I am concerned about social decay from stressed have nots turning to robbing the haves. I am exposed should that happen. I don’t live in a gated community. Gun shops are still open selling guns and ammo. There is a shooting location near where the above pic was taken. I hear firing for a long distance. I have no data if there is an increase in shooters nor what their motive would be. Suspect they are the haves.

John Prine died. I have enjoyed his creative output for years.

May you be healthy and safe. Off to desert.