I have spent the last 4 nights at this tucked away spot at the Cultural park. It’s private property but not posted, it is inside city limits, city has ordinance prohibiting what I am doing. Very few if any are spending the night near as I can tell. With the stay the fuck at home I am at my home. From this spot I access west Sedona trails on both sides of 89A.
My ride memories are garbled, writing this might help put memories in proper mental files. Start with today.
Today, another ride here on Western Gateway trails. I did not make up a scramble for today as I wanted to climb Anaconda again. Rode Stirrup down to Girdner, then rode Anaconda. I avoided it in the past as the climb out Dry creek was an effort and the trail gained and lost elevation. Just a whine. Climbing from Dry creek road side then descending to the creek makes for better choice of using gravity versus fighting it. Downhill side is mostly small round rock and several hard uphill climbing turns. Coasting and skimming the loose tread. Turned on to OK trail riding out to just before COF exit turning on to a social trail
that connects to high point of N aerie for fun carving turns, very shallow angle but smooth tread makes for speed. Climbed Aerie to highest point of my ride then descend, this part is paved with naturally located rocks, pretty rough. Aerie ends at Cockscomb that I rode to Outer Limits then turning on to Last Frontier.
The above part of Last frontier was built 2 years ago as was Outer Limits. Riding is attention focused because of exposure.
Crossed dry feet Dry creek crossing
Climbed back to head the call of the cold can of beer in the fridge. 18.7 miles climbing 1650′ pedaling for 2 hrs 36 mins. These trails have their own character. Challenging physically as well as mental.
Yesterday was laundry day. Drove into town. Almost empty laundromat. darn: clothes smell of fragrant detergent from previous person’s choice. None the less all are clean, folded, put away, and the line dry ckothes clothes pinned tot eh inside line. Quite a few of the pins are from way back just as I moved into my house back in 1992 .
I ran several crucial stops later. Filled water tank at Uhaul. I called a coffee roaster in Creekside to buy beans. They were closing, I arrived in time for last bag of beans. Liquor store uses the drive up window, not quite a speak easy. Knock on the window and the guy slides it open. OK, just a drive up. Grocery shop. Drove back out to same spot. Forecast called for stiff breeze but didn’t see dust. Good enough for a ride. Roundabout, Girdner, climb Axis to Cockscomb, climb Aerie, Cockscomb to Dawa down to Dry Creek, bash on scarcely ridden AZ Cypress in the creek bottom. Back to Girdner turning on to Stirrup all the way back.
Wed I rode the S side of 89A. descended Hurkinham, even part of Carroll canyon.
Fatigue has caught me another time. Rack time reading East of Eden which I am reading for a second time because I did not remember have read it. Plot line is the same.
Weather continues to be favorable for riding. Last 2 days I needed only short sleeve jersey exposing arms for starting of sun tan. Another ride tomorrow.