Beyond wet and colors gone

Tues and wed I rode in the laurel highlands in PA, roots, rock gardens and water.

Laurel highlands
tight squeeze
after laurel wet ride


Moved down to Davis, WVA. More rain and only wi-fi. Sitting in a coffee shop connected to wi fi. Raining. Challenging back highway drive to here.

2 nights ago I scored a legal camp spot in Forbes state forest in the highlands. Just hot and humid, not sleeping well

at forbes campsite #1

About 4 AM I was awakened by a champing chewing sound on my van right near my head. WTF? slid out of bed, put on my sandals,  grabbed my headlamp and hiking pole. Threw open the door and screaming I faced the sound source

Nothing at eye level. Looked down and saw 2 maybe 3 porcupines. Looked at me w/ black beady eyes and didn”t shuffle away. Each remained just out of reach of my swinging pole. Chased the smaller one into the woods and the larger into a big. Banished. Back in bed, shortly more chomping. Repeated the get out process less the screaming. It was the larger animal. Drove her away again, this time my effort was productive. Back in bed I started worrying about what got chewed. Brake line? Radiator hoses? Only daylight will reveal the damage. After bfast I drove a short distance to Wolf Rocks the for another go at rock gardens. Did my ride.

from Wolf rocks

I unrolled my ensolite pad to lay on while l looked under the van. I couldn’t find the damage. Engine started and the brakes stopped me. Several long steep descents awaited me. I always use my brakes sparingly. Down one descent the check brake light came on like I experienced in SD in the wet. I stopped in Somerset and googled brake repair. I called a shop. Guy said how quickly could I be there. I had turned off the engine before calling, I hung up then started the engine, the light did’t turn on. I still drove to the shop for advice. Brakes stopped, again I looked for damage, none seen. I continued my drive to Davis, WVA. Drove into rain.

In Davis i checked into a state campground for a base. Chatted w/ attendant who gave me a senior discount. I asked to borrow a ladder to get to the van roof to apply more leak fix tape on the passenger side which had more broken body join. I applied tape to 2 joints, started on the 3rd but rain stopped me. Last night and into today rain pounded the roof which seems to be keeping the rain out but still need to tape that 3rd joint for comfort.

Checked forecast for Brevard which shows flooding. Darn, just totally wet. I will still go there for DR appointment

This visit in the midwest and east is not riding.

Colors are non existent here. Just bleak, leaves are mostly down, stick season.

On Thurs I drove around the park stopping at an overlook of Blackwater river canyon.

Blackwater river canyon looking upstream

Will prolly be heading west to dry after short Brevard visit.

Today is laundry day at a repurposed bank drive in.

Stopped at XG during an interlude between drizles and used the ladder to tape the last seam.

Stopped for a beer at Stumptown brew pub then 6 buildings and acroiss the street to Hellbenders restaurant home of big burritos. I missed the ride at 5 group that left in the rain. Local vibe is you ride in the wet or stay inside. Several of the group arrived in dry clothes at Hellbenders. Chagga Todd who gave me a piece of his namessake years ago. Sue Haywood was in the group. She invited me for a ride on Fri. I just tripped all over myself being asked to ride w/ her. In her prime she was in the tops of women mtn bike racers. Spirited conversation. A guy showed up passing around a mason jar of apple moonshine only 4 hours old. Finished the evening again at Stumptown.









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