Sun Valley fun

Friday I arrived in Hailey. I visited w/ Chip at Sun Summit South.Reconnecting w/ long time friendship, traded barbs. I filled my water tank at the Hailey travel rest. I drank a beer and ate dinner at the Powerhouse. I sat right behind Sean who years ago greeted me at the laundromat in Bellevue, must have been shortly after the Bike mag article. He invited me on a ride that day that we shared. We made connections on trails we have ridden. Steve and Mia planned to go to the Silver Dollar Saloon in Bellevue to listen to a band. I arrived before the music started. I saw bikers in regalia which activated a radar response. I walked between them unthreatened. All about perception. Well played country rock. I spent the night in their driveway.

Saturday’s ride was Curlys which is N of Ketchum up Baker Creek. Steve chose this location to avoid the heat. I drove up and parked at the Baker creek road.Steve heard that the trail has been cut out, free of downed trees, first weekend. Gotta get it while it is still firm. Ride climbs up to Curly’s single track junction for a smoking descent. Old build w/ some steep pitches. I heard someone say that this is the only trail of its kind in the Valley. I will wave my magic wand and command a sustainable trail be created using the same terrain while still keeping the original trail. Deep forest cover. Steve let me go first as he said by me being ahead he looks further down the trail. There is a steep piece on slightly loose such that I chose to keep gravity under my control which meant some serious brake application. My rear brake did pack up from the friction. I just noticed that the brake lever engaged further away. I always had stellar brake performance. I continue to enjoy how fast this bike is.

Curlys road climb
Curlys road climb

8 miles on gravel for 3 mile down. Climbed 1668′ which is steeper than 100’/mile.


Don Shepler from Galena lodge and Hugh Ass race team from Harrisonburg, VA arrived for his ride. We chatted.

Steve and I planned on riding Fisher Creek tomorrow which is on the other side of Galena Pass. I drove into town for groceries then drove over the pass and camped at the Williams Creek TH which is really what Fisher creek ride is about. Steve joined before dark. We park our vans such that our side doors face each other. Tonight my cast a welcomed shade. We visited  sitting outside. Mosquitoes made her presences known.

Ride plan was to leave at 10:30 as Pierre and Kirk would be joining us. Parking lot filled as riders arrived. Never seen so many riders here.

Fisher creek is a big road ride for an almost equal downhill distance. On the FS Fisher creek road it starts out w/ flat then a gentle grade then concludes w/ a kick in the gut steep slightly loose climb. Steve rode then entire hill w/o stopping. Amazing. He’s 62. I rested a couple times and even pushed the steeper spot. Other riders were making their way, mostly all walking. The road climb ends in a TH parking lot. We will now enter an old forest fire burn. The trail is on decomposed granite, bench cut but cupped. Nice descent Steve let me go first.


There is hardly an obstacle on the tread. Decent grade for enjoyment. From where the picture is above the trail wanders thru a creek bottom meadow thru the burn. A short steep climb  sets up the next incredible downhill. Smoking. Steve went first on his 29er. I kept a safe distance behind. This downhill dumps into a meadow then a well constructed climbing turns to exit this meadow. From there it is another screamer downhill on a wide trail banked uphill turns. Drop the post and grin. fast bike. 17 miles 1822′.

I stayed in the parking lot talking to another group of riders. One guy owns a pet food company that makes raw food which is what dogs should be eating.

I drove down to Stanley to buy spring water 1 gallon at a time. I just really prefer to drink water w/o smell and taste of chlorine. It’s just me. Redfish lake is between Fisher and Stanley which is where public $2.00 showers awaited.  I sweated today as the temps are rising.

Steve and I planned to ride a route he created in the Fox creek area north of Ketchum. After my shower I drove back over Galena Summit then down to an FS road just past Galena Lodge, a place Don told me about years ago. So close to nature.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAToday I drove down to our ride start at Fox Creek. Steve joined trails for this loop that has a bit of up then a bit of down repeated 3 times. Trail climbed under doug fir tree cover, trails are old CCC prolly constructed. Most are still sustainable. I stayed on Steve’s wheel except for several short steep climbs. These trails and this ride put this wonderful energy on me. This bike is fast. I am learning more about carving turns. Also the bike is capable of rock hopping allowing the option to take a better line using rocks instead of trying to finesse between. A thunderstorm nearby clapped thunder and dropped a few rain splatters. i did stop to put my cell phone is a plastic bag in case rain would fall as I perceived the sound of the storm could give. Just so much fun. The climbs never got in the way of the fun as they climbed for the most part w/in my wind. 12.59 miles climbing 2232′, lots of climb for distance. We saw a woman hiker several times, all by ourselves. Too early for summer crowd and the trails are buff.

I drove back to town for groceries. I visited w/ Jason at Elephants Perch. A guy told me he read about me in Freehub as he has a subscription. The article was written by Ben and they were roommates in the past.

Found out that Curlys was cut out by a guy riding an e assist big fat tire bike pulling a BOB for a chain saw.

Tonight I’m camped out off Trail Creek outside Ketchum. I have a straight on view of the ski hill.

Steve is back at work eliminating a riding partner. I enjoy riding w/ him as we are pretty close to ability and enjoyment. We get to watch each other as we keep close together seeing what we do. I will plan my own rides. Riding behind Steve climbing keeps me from blowing up because I can not go faster than him. By myself I lack the real controlled discipline to control my effort.

Mosquitoes inside the van.

Bed time.

One comment on “Sun Valley fun

  1. Nice! I love SV.

    Rode Jedi yesterday in Flag and I thought of you hitting the first jump a couple of years ago when I watched the single-speeders all stop and dis-mount.

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