What goes up goes down

I spent Monday night out off Trail Creek. I took Tuesday as a rest day. Forecast called for possible rain. I worked on my $ in Quicken. I fussed and tried other things and somehow imported checking account info into the software. I have no repeatable process. Serious rain fell in the afternoon. I waited it out. The dog food guy I met at Fisher creek told me to visit him at Leftys on Tues. I drove in. I walked in and didn’t see him. I inquired of the staff and was told he worked last night. I drank a beer. A video rental store is nearby, they actually rent CDs, lots of them, cost more than red box but selection is way better and you own them for 2 days. I chose The Intern which was recommended by AARP for us older people. DeNiro old guy. Great movie, amazing no scary things other than Jules worried about dying alone and buried ina cemetery w/ no family. Serious stuff. Darkness is just past 9:30 which because I can’t darken the interior I watch late at night.

Wed skies were clear, perhaps hero dirt. I drove out to popular Adams Gulch. I planned a ride from MTBProject and the local hard copy map. Plan was to ride up Adams Gulch to Adams rib back. Turns out upper Adams Gulch is not maintained as I learned as rode seeing nary a sign of recent human passage. I hoisted my bike over numerous trees always telling my self I was making progress. A tree about 16″ in dia fell lengthwise down the trail taking several other trees with it creating a mess that Finally turned me around. I retraced my route lifting over same trees from the other side. I came to theĀ  trail junction w/ a maintained trail then climbed again. Today the 6,xxx’ elevation put a hurt on me. Trail went up a gulch w/ flowing water deeply shaded and comfortable. Trail climbed high then exited for return out in the open sage, trees in the gulleys. Not a long ride but big on effort.

At the TH I perused the large trail map and read that the trail I started up is non maintained. I seem to remember riding this once before but it was before these trees fell. MTBProject and the hard map show the trail as existing.


At the TH I watched a woman drive an suv pulling a small trailer pull into the lot and park. By herself, opportunity for conversation. License plate is Georgia. She shared that she grew up here but is now living in GA and is on a road trip. We shared some of the same rides and I gave her recommendations.

I drove into Ketchum for a shower at the Y which costs $5. There are no Silver sneaker locations.

I invited myself down to Steve’s to watch the NBA championship game. He fired up the grill. I marinated a large chicken breast and made my sort of waldorf salad. Watched the game. I slept in their driveway.

Pierre invited my for a ride today out in Croy Canyon to immerse myself in the spring flower bloom. 9 AM start before the heat. This area was burned over back in the ’13 fire. Lupine is in bloom, yellow and whites some having already gone to seed. Trails are purpose built by machine. I remember riding here on the brand new trails which were such a scar. After 3 winters nature has imbued them w/ a sense of worn in single track. Tread is hard packed and smooth and bermed. We climbed up into lupine that were still in their prime bloom. Great smell. Hillsides just covered.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAYellow is mostly lupine. Tumble mustard are spindly plants w/ bunches of yellow flowers but don’t add to the color but add to rider frustration after they dry out in the fall and become wind blown onto the trails and get caught up in the drive train such that a stop is necessary to free the chain. People who vandalize trails w/ sticks to annoy mountain bikers only knew that the bigger the stick the more manageable it is to negotiate. The little stuff like the mustard cause way more problems.

Our ride was an up and back, 45 mins up, 23 back climbing 1075′ in 8.83 miles, again greater than the “norm” of 100′ per mile.


I will be leaving here next Wednesday heading to Bend for a Friday afternoon meeting w/ my house architect. I will stop east of Prineville and ride their jewel. The next weekend GOATS, the IMBA chapter I belong to, in Oakridge is hosting a 3 day work party and I signed up to help. My blue helmet will show I have more experience than the green hard hats but less than the white good guy hats.

Places to be at the same time. Riding season in the mountains is short. Places that I want to hang out at like Bend but time spent must be managed to keep moving to ride all the places I want. Perhaps the rest of June will be in Oregon then up to WA.

Did my wash after today’s ride, again, 6 liners hanging on the line. Actually I rode only 5 out of 7 days.

Steve has a Jack Russel terrier that is slowly allowing me to become a less fearsome person. This morning she jumped into my van. I pet her as I am wont to and she responded w/ shed white hair. I do miss my own dog but I am unwilling to add one to my party of one. I tell myself I will befriend a dog when I settle down.

Tomorrow I plan on riding Greenhorn gulch trails, there are some killer hike a bike climbs.

This Gorilla Glue pot really takes the wind out of my sails, immobilizes me. My body feels like a bag of cement w/ about that much movement.

I showed my Terraduros to Chip who is still warranty replacing his. Mine have the revised engineering of a thicker sole and maybe better glued and a re staying together. My experience w/ the old revision I would have had sole separation by now from use. Chip is not a walker like I am which contributes to the delam. I like the shoes.

Last night I watched the Warriors and the Cavaliers play, the first time this year for me to watch pro ball. Quite impressive. I like college ball more.