Getting Better

Friday out off Willow Springs, within sight of Arches NP the wind blew, rain fell, sucker holes, and I stayed dry and warm. Late in the afternoon the clouds cleared giving me the idea that I could get a quick spin on Klonzo further down the road. I finally took the plunge gearing up and pedaling off. rain firmed up the loose sand making for a firm surface. I smoked out to Klonzo. Hard sand was fast. My ride was to get up high and come down like Zephyr on the other side of the road. The trails I rode were firm. I hit a high spot and paused to study the clouds. I saw rain feathers upwind of me. Window might close. I bailed early over to Zephyr allowing gravity to pull me down Hotdog which has quite a few kickers jumps. Air time measured in tenths of seconds. Seat down, weight over the pedals, look ahead, go for a boost. Bike scoots. I worked my return to the van. The feathers never made it. I could have ridden longer.

The back end of the road at the camping boundary was packed w/ motor crowds. I normally find a place not far from the highway. I scored this wide pull out that was soon shared by 2 trailers. I watched rig after rig continue out past me to an ever increasing camper density. I was exposed and open w/ a little space between me and the joiners. It is public land primitive camping w/ few rules, hard to stop someone parking right next to you.

Sat forecast called for more rain and very high winds. Not a riding day. I drove into town for a shower and resupply. Free filtered water at Gearheads across a side street from City Market. I stopped at Chili Pepper for a visit. Place was packed, I said hello and left them to their business.

Spring time, prime time to visit the southwest. Lots and lots of rigs hauling mountain bikes. November is chilly w/ fewer visitors. Trails aren’t crowded but there are others to share the goods with, not like November.

Willow Springs road under went a permanent road conversion of graded rolled gravel and drivers are keeping their foot down as they pass me. North wind blows the road dust south to me. The improvement stopped just before where I previously stayed which dropped the speed and dust. I looked over the hill tonight at that spot and saw several rigs parked. I picked my favorite spot which is the 2nd spot from the highway on slick rock.

Sunday’s forecast liked partial sunshine and less than 20 mph wind. I’m in for a ride. Today it is Navajo Rocks up towards Dead Horse SP. My plan it to ride it as a figure 8 staring in the middle, the trail named Middle Earth. I rode out Big Mesa which ran into Big Lonely, crossing the highway to Coney Island to Middle Earth connector back to TH then riding Ramblin to the highway crossing onto Rocky Tops to Middle earth back to the van. Finished, 18. 55 miles climbing 2112′ pedaling 2 hrs 27 mins.

Monitor and Merrimac
Monitor and Merrimac
steep off camber slick rock, rocky tops
steep off camber slick rock, rocky tops

I finished my ride before I competed w/ later arriving riders. I shared the parking lot w/ 4 rigs when i left, upon return The big lot was plugged. Way good to see so many riders getting after it.

I drove up to Horse Thief BLM XG hoping that it wasn’t full, today being Sunday w/ vacationers returning to Monday work. I found a spot to my liking. My guess statistic is 67% occupied. Senior pass lowers camp fee to $7.50. No phone, no electric, and no water. I hiked the bike trail named Chisholm  leaving directly from the XG over to highway and a TH. New trail then connects to Mustang then on to Get away. Well laid out and built using natural features for interest. Chilly quiet night.

Today after breakfast, cleanup, and a sit down I drove further up the road tot he TH I hiked to yesterday. XG checkout time is 12:00 leaving me not enough ride time to make it back before turning into a pumpkin(?). Only rig. I started just after 9. Chisholm connecting to Mustang turning onto Getaway over to the top of Bull Run. No cars in the lot. Drop down Bull. Tread uses lots of slick rock and features. Lots of step ups, wiggles, and roll downs. Trail is marked by respective paint color stripes. I am able to ride almost everything still leaving the old ones untested by my new bike. I like these trails. I hone my skills on what I can ride. Bike sure is great. The 1X11 is the bomb to always be in the correct gear. I use Backcountry Navigator to GPS my rides. It calculates and displays grade. Grade is mostly under 10% w/ a few necessary steep moves. These trails are all purpose built for mtn biking, just well executed.

Bull run area
Bull run area

I climbed out on Getaway as it is less tech and more gentle than Bull Run. However, quite a few groups of riders chose to ride down it. I had one encounter while riding up hill w/ a group riding downhill. Today I pedaled my course accepting the right of yielding to the uphill rider. Poor trail love. back at a now crowded parking lot. Reid pedaled up to me. He guides mtn bike trips for a guide company where Beth also works. Reid visits Sedona.

Today’s ride was the biggest this year of 2hrs 59 mins pedaling 22.88 miles climbing 2067′.

Elevation gained comes in short punches, never a mountainous giant uphill for a giant downhill. Never settle into a grind, just a mix of ups and downs and downs and ups w/ little features. Full body work out horsing a move. Bike is fast. Light carbon rims accelerate like lightning. Great bike.

At the TH sparse snow fell, a final (?) reminder of past winter. I drove back down to town for a shower and provisions. Propane, water, and groceries. Satiated I drove back out to Willow Springs claiming previously mentioned spot. At 9:14 there are still rigs streaming past seeking their sleep spot. My rocky spot precludes joiners. Here I receive internet.

Tomorrow I am heading north to the north end of the Klondike Bluffs trail system for 2 days of riding. Another trail system that is great to ride, more of the same w/o the big elevation gains and views.

I really like riding the trails here. Purpose built, challenging. Such an improvement over hiking trails not built for bikes.

After the new shocks install my van transmits vibrations from the road. I wonder if wheels are out of balance?  I believe that the repair place put everything back together correctly. The rumble strip noise is more pronounced and persistent.

I plan on stating here till end of the month unless the camping gets too crowded. Next up is Fruita and GJ.



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