7 days, 6 liners and 420

Yesterday I made the TH at the N end of the Klondike Bluffs trail system. Road has been made into an all weather road eliminating the dicey spots. I hoped to get a favorite spot but found it already occupied. I picked another one out in the open.

Chilly wind blowing and sunshine warming. Still I chose a wool long underwear top under a long sleeve REI jersey and wind shell. I pedaled the west side of the valley enjoying pedaling. I warmed up enough to shuck the wind shell. As I pedaled south the warmer it became. I crossed the wash and started climbing Miner loop. I shucked the long underwear. The trails here again have been designed and built for mtn bikes, just follow the paint marks and make the moves. The trail provides a solution to the wandering around searching for a line. Many wheel traps. Trails here are also more technical than the mesa trails, no spinning here except the part where I started. Brutal short punchy climb maybe followed by a short level or even better a slight downhill. However, because the route is up any down will have to be reclimbed. I made route decisions at the intersections where a map was posted w/ an emoticon smiling at your location. Mostly all alone. I made my move working around a rock when I was sharply blocked on my left side, my left arm hit something which twitched my handlebar to the right turning the front wheel into a straight faced rock which stalled the forward progress. I looked where I didn’t want to go where the front wheel stopped which was the out slope. I managed to unclip and stab a rock w/ my foot as I was about to learnĀ  more about the outslope. I hit a stob that was not cut at the trunk that I did not think to look for.

bad enough to stop and bandage it
bad enough to stop and bandage it

I carry a first aid bag from which I used a wide bandaid and wrapped it w/ a round of magic tape. Bleeding stopped.

I met 3 riders and we exchanged pleasantries. I am wearing this old long sleeve REI jersey that is cut too short to cover my back or belly. I learned that at least 1 woman worked for REI, she offered to buy the jersey so she could show history to her store. I declined. I followed them at an increasing distance back to the TH. In conversation they mentioned camping on Willow Springs. I said that the place was packed, where they were would be far better. Turns out their gang grew later and this spot provided enough tent room. About dark another group camped between us.

Lots of recreators visit at this time of year. In November very few people are visiting such that I am able to casually find a sleep spot on Willow Springs rd which is the closest to Moab primitive camping spot. Place is packed. Lots of rigs carrying mtn bikes.

Windy night.

Today my plan was to ride early to finish shortly b4 12 which is check out time at the camp grounds. I wanted to score a spot at Goose Island for 2 nights. By having a paid for spot I knew that I didn’t have to bolt early to find a spot. I drove away back to town. XG was full. Camping would be back at Willow again which now forced an urgency to my day. I showered at the rec center the drove to Gearheads for water. I walked over to Chili Pepper for brake pads. Placed an order. Store is busy but not crazy like it was on Sat. Amazing number of mtn bikers in town.

Oh, but I did ride first. I took Homer which is mostly straight up right from the get go. Next was Alaska

Alaska, salt valley Lasalles
Alaska, salt valley Lasalles

Route figured out then built.

This is what the raw land looks like

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERASpring time flowers:

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThis morning I searched thru my bike clothing drawer looking for a liner. Lots of tops but just 6 liners. I do my wash every Thursday, every 7 days. I rode 6 of the last 7 days. I found the last clean liner, the one I like the least. Tomorrow is laundry day, a Thursday. It will also be a rest day. Drive the about 12 miles into town, do stuff then drive back mid afternoon for a camp spot.

And today was

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERACrowded Willow Springs. Again I watch rigs pass me by headed to the end of camping. That backend must be plugged tighter than a Walmart parking lot on a pay day. At least where I am in an open area maybe 150′ wide there are just 2 other campers. More might join.

Klondike Bluff trails are harder. EKG is a bitch going up and down as it travels lengthwise. I might be done with it anymore as it beats me. Back when I was younger, even on this odyssey, I was able to pedal the uphills mostly. I am struggling now. I have been envious of younger riders doing what I used to be able to do. I have changed my focus to be on what I am still able to do because I am. The younger riders will age and time will tell whether they are still riding at my age. We are where we are because of decisions we have made. We are a product of them. Younger riders have years of making decisions to get to be my age of 66.


Off to bed.