Searching for a start

Out @ favorite beaverhead spot, arrived burning headlights, nobody home. Dinner @ golf course again, $14 for great food.

Drove up to West Sedona today to do wash and ride out Dry Creek. Clean clothes till next Thursday. The count of clean short sleeve shirts in the drawer is my count down to Thurs. Living in a tourist town means being opened 7 days a week therefore there are no real regular shifts of work. There is no break in my life to signify a day that why Thursday’s laundry is my day counter.

Drove out to Cockscomb TH for ride. Winds blew around mini twisters of sand. I corrected my breathing to avoid inhaling sand. Places wind blew the trail clear, where wind was less of an influence tire tracks showed. This time my rear tire held air. I pedaled w/ gusto. Short loop of 5.73 miles in 44 mins. I startled a hiking couple, the man standing in the trail and me speeding towards him. Both shared the responsibility of collision avoidance, He stepped off and me stopping under control well in front of them. A shared greeting as I passed. Later I rode thru a ground of older men riders. Prolly not older than me but still labeled as “older”. I thought the loop might have lasted an hour.

2 days ago at the Bean I struck up a conversation w/ 2 guys perhaps in their later 20s from Bend. They planned long rides. I saw them on the trail and Matt was showing the effects. I saw them later sitting on the porch rehydrating. I joked with them. Later I drove out to Beaverhead. They drove up a while later and camped at the lower spot. I joined them for after dinner conversation.

Last Friday a tech performed an ultra sound of my abdomen. Finally today I was told of the results which were uneventful. Shelia will order a CT scan. No kidney stone.

I am working to replace the roof vent fan to eliminate the dripping water. Monday I drove up to Steven’s shop to start the wood work, I cut away the ceiling paneling to clear the edge of the inserted wooden frame that I do not remember how it is attached. I put an extension ladder against the uphill side of the van and crawled up onto the roof. Effort is to be directed to cutting away the many layers of rubbery sealant applied over time. No arm strength, so much effort required to cut a strip away w/ an exacto knife. The sealant needs to be removed to expose the attach screws and cut it free from the roof for removal. I cut out  a little less than 50% and gave up. I couldn’t find anyone to Tom Sawyer with me but I had an idea I could hire someone to finish. I hired ken, the left legged mountain biker who said he could scamper up the ladder. That he did. I discovered numerous cracks on the base c/t the screw holes which creates a water path. Base needs replacing. Today I called Fan-Tastic  enduring about a 10 min on hold time. Said the R&R was 2 hours. I opted to order a new fan. I’ll pull the old fan then study the wood frame and what action required. Perhaps I can just polyurethane sealer in place. I only created order when leaking rain wetted it. Next week.

Three nights ago I was at my spot, around 12:30, I’m laying in bed reading w/ my head facing out to Beaverhead. I couldn’t fall asleep. I see headlights turning off the highway and towards me. They drove briskly over the frozen rutted road then I heard the engine coming up to my spot. No… radar alerts threat response. I hear a woman’s vocal sounds sounding kind of surprised. Shit: a rape going on? I never heard another sound that would have decided my course of action. Almost 1/2 hour later I heard to car doors slam shut then the engine started and they drove away as fast as they entered. Almost a full moon, I wonder if they ever saw me as I was maybe 30 feet to their right. The next day I worked the land around for untoward signs finding none.  I was freaked by somebody driving near me when I primitive camp.

Short season has arrived. My arms are nicely tanned.

I stated thinking of doing a road trip to Prineville to look for land. GPS reports 814 miles. My surgery is 4/22, almost 3 weeks of time. I was going to leave tomorrow. Today when Shelia said next step is a CT scan my action was put in park. I’ll watch the time. I would like to have my gurgling guts diagnosed and treatment started before I would head out. I looked at a land for sale web site to get a feel for land. Encouraging.

Two days ago I hiked a loop by hiking up to the pass above the shop then traverse on the other side of the bowl to connect w/ Made in the Shade going the long way to join Shady for the finish. I saw 1 biker and later another one. The second one came at me from behind on a downhill. I heard him then jumped well off the trail It was Dennis. My jump was at the same time when he saw me. He could not have stopped before hitting me. That’s the way it goes. As a rider I see startled hikers from mtn bikers, I know their dislike of bikers.