
I am here in the red rocks of Sedona at prime riding time. Riders from elsewhere arrive and park in the Red Rock plaza then head out on their rides. Upon return they are in various post ride reconnects. Red dust sometime mixed w/ dull red of dried blood. Smiles, exhilaration, fatigue, some wanting more. I drift among them listening and observing. I am letting my shoulder heal by not riding, now in week 2. I have been where they are now and am empathetic. I know you know. I know that I can let healing time pass for my long term gain. I tell myself. I removed my Formula rear brake and sent to it SC for service thus rendering an obstacle to my riding my bike. I have several offers to ride other bikes but I remain steadfast.

I have been hiking seeking places bikes can’t or won’t go as a way of enlarging my desert experiences. Yesterday I hiked from Beaverhead rd up onto House mtn, my goal was to connect Beaverhead w/ Turkey creek to the north. Last spring I rode these non maintained mapped FS roads fro recovery. What I hiked took 3 hrs 40 mins that took me only 60 mins on my bike. I didn’t make the pass above the basin  that was to be crossed to meet w/ the pass above Turkey creek. Volcanic rubble sitting like unmelted M&Ms on a cookie. Cows. I stayed on the road as it was. I asked Duff for a shuttle ride some day to allow me to walk from Beaverhead to Turkey Creek TH.

I spend time @ Bike and Bean for social contact.

Steve from Sun Valley left Sat AM as did Cashion and Eva from The Bike Farm outside Pisgah.

PT is continuing along w/ a perceived improvement of my shoulder and measured by decrease in pain. I do not need prescription meds to take the edge off. I am able to sleep all night. Tomorrow I am going to schedule a massage.

It’s 7:55 PM Sunday night, it is 5o degrees out and 77 inside w/ the slider door opened. Clear sky, abundant stars as the moon has not risen. A, the desert.

Wed I started reading “Wild” written by a long distance PCT hiker. Reading it continually recalls my experiences. She speaks of emotions and toil hiking extorts from her body. It’s all about being dependent upon your own wits, it is almost primal. I’ve been there. She chose hiking to find herself etc. I did it because it was there and could I do it. I tested myself. I came away with confidence. For several years I have been putting thought into hiking what I missed back in 1978. I am now planning on it. I will build a master plan like before. First is to learn if my damaged left foot will be an issue. Also my left knee. The hiking I have been doing is reassuring that my body can walk. Putting a PCT pack on is another step. I missed the Sierra all the way to Ashland, OR, then north from Stevens Pass in WA. (Prolly repeating myself). The snow pack in the Sierra is shrinking which makes hiking this piece snow free. Gear is lighter and better now, no Fabiano mountain master mountaineering boots needed, boots today are better than the running shoes I carried for camp shoes or pavement walking. Suzie, Dave, and I hiked some miles of pavement in So Cal in running shoes that we renamed Flying Slippers. My journal is stored back in Spokane, I wonder what I wrote about.

On weekends this place swells w/ visitors. camping spots are filled. Tonight is Sunday and the desert here is empty of over nighters. No competition for space. On the PCT the same thing happened. We coined the term “Wally Weekenders” for that traffic. Come Sunday night we had the trail again to ourselves till Fri night or Sat AM.

Zags won on Thurs and Sat that I watched @ PJ’s.

I am more comfortable by myself than w/others. I learned that about myself. I get to choose contact.

Shutting door. Last night I slept w/o the furnace only turning it on before sliding off  my bed. I drank 3 beers during the game and lots of water after my ride completely re hydrating myself. I peed so much and often.

Last night Joe Hazel and his wife Nancy treated me to dinner and their company. They are special people to me.

I know more people while on my travels than I did while living in Spokane.

Back to Wild.

Back in 1963 my dad was in Berlin, Germany on a YMCA visit during the Cuban missile crisis as it became known. He gave me a eating utensil set made in Germany as a what did you bring me daddy gift. I carried the spoon on my PCT hike. I still have the spoon. I remember one day on the PCT when I discovered I lost it. My journal recounted my angst and wrestling w/ back tracking to fetch it. I decided to hike on and cope w/ loss. That night as I shook out my tent I found it in the tent. I was ecstatic. I still have it w/ me.

Time not quickly healing

Today marked the first full week of no riding. Today was another PT treatment. The educated assessment is there is a partial tear in one of the SITS, partial because I am still feeling pain. Rebecca said if completely torn there would be no feedback pain. I am in almost constant discomfort, I know something ain’t right. The ortho appointment isn’t until 2/23 to start the diagnosis and treatment plan. It is what it is, I paid to play.

I have been hiking to enjoy what is here. And burn fuel.

I started reading “Wild” about the author’s 1,000 mile trek and how she put herself back together. She started north from Mojave, CA where I dropped off w/ my unrepaired foot injury. I missed from there north to Ashland, OR and from Stevens Pass to the Canadian border. Perhaps I will allow myself to make a dream of finishing it off so I know I completed the entire trail my way. I have started a mental plan to realize my dream.

Today I hiked from the shop up to the pass then down over the back side to connect w/ Transcept up to the pedestal on Hi Line then back to the shop. Just gorgeous conditions. Hiking what I previously rode on my mountain bike.

I need 38 miles to reach 20,000 miles ridden on my odyssey.

Yesterday I stopped @ Red Rock auto service who have worked on my van in the past. The van throws this rumble under certain conditions but will go away, intermittent. This rumble was going on w/the drive shaft issue that the shop thought was the noise source. Maybe it was or maybe the sound provided the opportunity to identify the drive shaft issue. Anyway, Red Rock says motor mounts but replacement is my choice, it won’t cause a running aground. I am wanting to replace them to eliminate the noise.

Laundry day. George isn’t there and that frees my time for my things. Today there is only 1 riding kit hanging on the drying line in the back of my van, Next Thurs wash will have none.

Steve is still here. We have been sharing the same camp spot. He packs up and leaves while I am still in bed. I have a kitchen to make breakfast that he doesn’t.

Cashion and Eva of Bike Farm back in Brevard are here. We connected last night. Oscar Blues and they parted ways. They now have a 400 acre piece in the Pisgah at Turkey Pen. Seems a better location.

Gonzaga is ranked number 2. Tonight they play Santa Clara @ 9 local time that I am counting on PJs to receive.

Time to go.

Honoring the Physical Therapist’s advice

Last Thursday was a PT appointment. My shoulder has issues that recuperation might heal. She said give up riding for 2 weeks for healing. I drive around w/ my bike on the back of my van in full sight of wonderful riding. Today she said she is proud of my adherence. I have now accepted that there is damage that needs DR treatment as in a few well placed sutures. I have that DR appointment on the 23rd. I am doing PT 2X a week working on stretching and strengthening.

I am hiking for outdoor enjoyment. Sat I hiked Hi Line out to the pedestal and back finishing in the rain and watching the water join molecules and flow down the trail.


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWatched the Zags beat Memphis in the Kennel down @ PJ’s. Joy tunes a TV just for us, Steve and I. Zags are now ranked #2 behind friend Bill’s Kentucky.

Sleeping out @ paved overlook as the side roads are unfirm mud. There is a woman who visits like every other day to walk her 2 dogs and relieve themselves. She backs her SUV up to the gated road right beside me. She even has a handicap hang tag but she walks.

Yesterday morning I went on a hike on the other side of Beaverhead road following a ridge line.

I know where my van is parked
I know where my van is parked

Into the red rocks

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI keep my eyes open to wildlife. Today I was rewarded by 6 javalinas feeding below me. I watched for  some time as they foraged ignoring the prickly pear.

2 are visible
2 are visible

I huffed once and they alerted and moved a little. The second huff sent them scurrying. I did not notice their stink odor.

Then there was the Super Bowl. Steve and I started out at the golf course swank place where we had a bar seat right in front of a big screen. At half time we moved down to PJ’s and a packed house. I pulled for the Hawks, enough said.

Sunny skies have returned and the temp is rising. Just a pleasant place to idle away winter. I’m sitting in my van in the Bean parking lot watching and listening to returning riders recount their ride.

Ran out of moonshine.

I am sending my Formula brake back for service that presents a small speed bump to preventing me from riding.