
That’s how the masseuse described my shoulder muscles. She worked the entire hour on my bound up muscles that felt like knots. I felt them rolling. From her knowledge she felt no muscle tear. My right side is noticeably less developed than the left. I felt better physically and mentally. Now maybe strength exercises will be next step. She gave me a deep tissue massage.

Today I hiked up onto Wild Horse Mesa from Jacks Canyon. VOC is built right up to the foot of the mesa. It’s what you see when you look SSE from Tony’s Chevron. Another stellar day. 89A is closed going up the switchbacks because of a sink hole that is being studied for proper repair. 179 down here was quite busy. Commuters to Flag drive S on 179 to the interstate to climb up slope to Flag, longer but faster.

Last night I finished “Wild”. The author spent much print writing about her emotional issues off the trail. It was not to be a tell all how I hiked it: what did I take, what did I eat, etc. The trail takes a toll on a person. My memory is of just hiking. The trail changed me, life was modern day primal in that life centered around food, safety, and shelter. I suppose self actualization happened as a result. Every step was directed to the next food drop which was on the way to Canada. Enough about what she wrote I felt, I remembered.

Formula serviced my brake noting that some hardware was over torqued causing possible poor performance. Affected parts are not part of bleed process.   I’ll prolly get it Monday, 3 days past the 2 week recovery. I’m hoping to ride.

This afternoon @ the Bean a young man told me he met me in Missouri. He added details that jump started my memory recall: he saw my van in a parking lot then approached me. He invited me over to his shared house for some Boulevard beer and sleep on the street out front. Three guys a 2 women. They asked lots of questions about my less than a year old odyssey, spring of ’09.

My ceramic coffee mug fell out of the upper cabinet landing first on the granite counter top which broke the handle into 3 pieces. I should contact cement it together b4 bed. Such are house hold chores.