Honoring the Physical Therapist’s advice

Last Thursday was a PT appointment. My shoulder has issues that recuperation might heal. She said give up riding for 2 weeks for healing. I drive around w/ my bike on the back of my van in full sight of wonderful riding. Today she said she is proud of my adherence. I have now accepted that there is damage that needs DR treatment as in a few well placed sutures. I have that DR appointment on the 23rd. I am doing PT 2X a week working on stretching and strengthening.

I am hiking for outdoor enjoyment. Sat I hiked Hi Line out to the pedestal and back finishing in the rain and watching the water join molecules and flow down the trail.


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWatched the Zags beat Memphis in the Kennel down @ PJ’s. Joy tunes a TV just for us, Steve and I. Zags are now ranked #2 behind friend Bill’s Kentucky.

Sleeping out @ paved overlook as the side roads are unfirm mud. There is a woman who visits like every other day to walk her 2 dogs and relieve themselves. She backs her SUV up to the gated road right beside me. She even has a handicap hang tag but she walks.

Yesterday morning I went on a hike on the other side of Beaverhead road following a ridge line.

I know where my van is parked
I know where my van is parked

Into the red rocks

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI keep my eyes open to wildlife. Today I was rewarded by 6 javalinas feeding below me. I watched forĀ  some time as they foraged ignoring the prickly pear.

2 are visible
2 are visible

I huffed once and they alerted and moved a little. The second huff sent them scurrying. I did not notice their stink odor.

Then there was the Super Bowl. Steve and I started out at the golf course swank place where we had a bar seat right in front of a big screen. At half time we moved down to PJ’s and a packed house. I pulled for the Hawks, enough said.

Sunny skies have returned and the temp is rising. Just a pleasant place to idle away winter. I’m sitting in my van in the Bean parking lot watching and listening to returning riders recount their ride.

Ran out of moonshine.

I am sending my Formula brake back for service that presents a small speed bump to preventing me from riding.

4 comments on “Honoring the Physical Therapist’s advice

  1. Count your blessings, you could be in Spokane with gray skies and no snow for skiing. I called the cross country ski report last week…this is a first…the ranger said it was so icy he recommended staying home! Went to Schweitzer on Sunday. Caution signs all over to stay on the groomers because of lack of snow. Snow Ghost with the majority of the blacks and double blacks are closed also waiting for more snow. Forecast here is for rain and temps in the lower 50s. Enjoy the sunshine and warm temps there and get well, Craig.

  2. Craig, that first photo with the clouds and red mountains in the back is a magnificent picture. Good job.

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