
Fantastic what 300′ elevation will access. Staying here at McGaffey there is no coverage. I walked up the hill behind the house, and I am sitting on a weathered log sort of in the shade being cooled by strong winds. I have 2 bar 4G speed. Use it wisely.

Yesterday was my town day for laundry and propane. on eastern edge  of town there are beaucoup laundromats, lots to choose from. There are so many because people do not have h20 at their house so they come in to do wash. Propane, on the other hand was a frustrating acquisition. I made the assumption that w/ all the gas stations on old rt 6 there would be a station selling propane. Wrong. I needed to drive west of town to a dealer. I found a health facility to take a shower. Then I drove back up into the mountains.

Back @ Bill’s, Mike and Allison, Bill & Alfredo, and me geared up for a tour de tank ride. Bill’s trail plan was that they be for pedaling. And they ride that way. Easy riding. I still used my seat dropper post.

Back @ Bill’s which is a historic house left over from when there was a saw mill locally, the houses housed the workers as in company town. These houses were trucked or railroaded in then used until the timber played out and then were moved to another site. This site was the last on the line and they were left. Bill and 2 other guys went in to buy the house and the 10 year lease to set up a mountain bike tribe hangout. I visited here back in 2011 and met Bill and a bunch of riders. They even have a kegerator and piped in h2o.

Mike & Allison @ new bike hitching rail
Mike & Allison @ new bike hitching rail

Our first ride was Wed, this is a creek climb on Quaking aspen trail:

Allison and Mike Quaking aspen trail
Allison and Mike Quaking aspen trail

Mike and Allison are on their own road trip. They have been here for a week, days longer than they planned. I introduced them to Bill and that is what it took for them to not turn the key in the ignition.  They are traveling w/ 13 year old litter mate cats that they “walk” on a tether.

I continue to absorb knowledge from Bill that will serve me in good stead.

Forecast is for tomorrow is high winds and possible snow showers. Sunday appears to be the favored big group ride.

I plan on leaving Mon AM for Santa Fe.

Zuni terrain
Zuni terrain

23 skiddo.

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