Saturday night in Bella Vista, Arkansas

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Been hanging around Bentonville bike shop, Phat Tire. They have the best shower for ever. They gave me shower privileges last visit.

I have ridden the trails again: Thurs was Slaughter Pen wander, Hobbs on Friday, and today was Blowing Springs. Lots of moisture and other conditions create deciduous tree climax forest. Deep shade, high humidity,

machine built trail years later, Slaughter Pen
machine built trail years later, Slaughter Pen

Then there are numerous engineered features,

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAGreat complete aspect trail system 3 blocks away from the town square. Phat Tire is 1/2 block from square. I park in the lot behind the store which is also part of City Hall. I slept in the lot the first night. When I crawled out of bed in the morning a parked truck faced me as per the parking spots. Hot and humid night and I could not open the door to cool off. Much of Slaughter Pen is machine made that is weathering in very nicely, it’s still a wider than hand built; however what dirt that was moved was to shed water instead of play bumps. I liked it.

The propane overflow valve is obstructed. I have been told that when the valve is opened propane should escape even when not filling. Needs to be cleaned out. I found an RV repair shop that services propane systems. I made an appointment for Tues. I gpsd the address which is on way to Hobbs. Friday I stopped @ the shop on the way to ride Hobbs. I need to burn empty the tank before service.

I made the Piney Ridge TH. Another hot and humid ride. back in the deep forest cover. Thing about decidious trees is they reach a determined height then just get bigger around. Predominate oak coverage. Tread is crushed limestone cobble.


One vista overlooking War Eagle Creek

war eagle creek15.74 miles took 2 hrs 10 mins and climbed 1935′. Trail tread was like groomed crushed white gravel which was really limestone in its worn state. Trails are very twisty. I sought to modify my riding to take advantage of the tread. Some success. I encountered 2 guys the entire time. Back @ the TH 5 riders were getting ready to go. Trails are getting ridden.

I left the TH heading to Pea Ridge battlefield park. I was unable to make the gps field the park. I wandered in the general direction. I wandered some remote back country roads before finally convincing the gps to navigate back to Phat Tire and a shower.

I ate dinner @ bistro on the square which is where the bike shop used to be.  Rain started falling before I left. Turned out to be the start of a heavy thunderstorm I drove thru on the way to my camp spot in a vacant lot used to park tractor trailers.  While I chose not to sleep w/ the door open I was not greeted by somebody in my wheelhouse. Another storm hit while in bed. Heavy rain.

Sat is Farmers’ Market on the square. I cruised for local honey but settled for a loaf of home baked whole wheat bread. Place was packed.

I drove out N of town to Bella Vista and Blowing Springs trails. Trails were just the correct wetness, however, the rock was slippery. 1 car in the parking lot, later an older man drove up then rode away. We met later. Nice little trail system w/ several interesting natural features

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAll by myself on a Saturday. I helped a lost hiker find her way back to the TH. I suggested dropping down and picking up the paved road back. She chose the trail. Well, the trail didn’t take the even remotely short route back. She kept getting turned around and i kept running into her as i was choosing trails. I made it back as she did later.

It is poison ivy:

poison ivyI drove back into town for shower and dinner, town was deserted.

I met Justin 2 years ago. I emailed him that I was in town. Bummer he said as he was heading out of town. He offered me a piece of a dead end road at his house. Tonight I took him up on it. He is miles by road but hardly 6 good crow wing beats from town. I have the door and window open covered by netting. 72 degrees @ 10:12.

Thunderstorms are forecasted. I have not figured where to ride tomorrow. But for breakfast I am making my scratch pancakes. On Sundays back in Spokane I would make these pancakes Sunday AM with blueberries mixed in.

Wed while in the bike shop I felt an embedded tick on my left thigh out of my sight. I pulled it out not carefully enough to extract the mouth parts. I was by feel able to slap a bandaid w/ antiseptic on it that seems to have cleared up the wound.

Listening to home announcers broadcasting the Mariners game on XM. Competing w/ writing. Great stuff. They turned back to 1979 theme. Rick is taking about disco. His fellow announcer was not born then.


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