More Oklahoma experiences

Politics are local. Don’t need them know it alls in Washington telling me how to educate my kids.

Friday night was crowded but quiet @ Roman Nose SP. I packed up after bfast to drive to Oklahoma City to ride lake Stanley Draper trails. Sister Lynn called as I was attempting to find my way out of the park to tell me that today’s Wait Wait Don’t tell me show is Carl Castle’s last show. We shortened the conversation because the show came on XM. Then my navigation suffered as I was stymied by the sprawl of  OKC. So many churches, god fearing folks I imagine, and impoverished supporting the church.

I found my way to the TH. The parking lot held maybe 20 vehicles. The trail system is a series of loops starting w/ beginner up to advanced. I started on the yellow, easy, trail. Terrain almost dead flat, lots of tight turns w/ little line of sight. tread had patches of sand, bermed turns on some. I rode all but the terrain park trails ( I don’t remember if there were any). Part way thru my rear brake lever quit retracting, the pads didn’t drag but the lever was not fully extended. Oh, crap, what are my repair resources? I checked the lever out sussing that if I oiled the pivot all m ight be good. I returned to the TH and slathered Boshield on the pivot pin: all returned to normal. 12.55 miles climbed 725′. The sweet smell of blossoming honeysuckle filled the air.

I heeded the request
I heeded the request

Next up was a needed shower. Research lead me to an Anytime Fitness on the way to Stillwater for my next ride.

I googled grocery stores in Stillwater, a university town, no chain stores other than Walmart. No brew pubs either. Lots of action in an adjoining town.

I ate dinner @ a popular Mexican restaurant. I dilly dallied waiting for darkness to hide in at a sleep spot. I cruised the airport area, found a small industrial park. I picked a liquid fertilizer parking lot. Safe bet on a Sat night that nobody would be reporting for work on Sunday.

Today I drove out to Lake McMurty owned by the city. There are 2 trails on the east and west sides of the lake. I picked the east side, the red trail, as it had the most positive strokes, It is used as a race course. B4 starting I moved my saddle as far forward as it would go which moved my body forward and closer to being vertical over the pedals. Made a big difference in pedaling power. The trails were more woodsy w/ some tech moves. I rode the yellow trail next which was more difficult than the red. Back at my van I loaded my sweaty body and drove over to the west side which was to be more technical or harder whichever. 7 miles climbed 645′. I worked riding powerfully. I ended up slightly toasted from the effort.

lake mcmurty trails

The TH on the west side was across the road from the park headquarters. I saw doors for men and women w/ a security pad on each. Hmmmm, secret shower. A male college student was working the desk. I asked about showers, he didn’t know the rules. I took a shower. Kid had no recollection if any of park procedures. I noticed sirens on poles which I assumed were for tornado warnings. He didn’t know. I asked if I hear it what do I do. He said he would guess…. .

The XG is owned by the city. I camped for $10. All the sites were being reconfigured and were freshly graded. No h20 @ the spigot. XG on the whole is littered. The fire ring @ my site held the remnants of a burnt steel belted tire. No ranger. An outdoor burn ban exists. There are some yahoos camped 2 spots up wind of me and they have a fire burning. I ain’t doing no peer intervention. I walked back to the headquarters and read the posted notices. I did not find a number of a ranger. I could have called 911.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAh, what a stray picnic table adds to the empty PBR can.

Tonight I am hearing a night bird calling, suspect it is a whippoorwill singing a different tune.

I stood under a hummingbird feeder and watched 2 birds challenging a third for feeding rights. Amazing amount of effort.

Tomorrow is on to Tulsa and Turkey mountain, an urban wilderness. Then on to a tall grass prairie a bit north. Arkansas is next, Bentonville, headquarters for Walmart. Portland ceased their financial arrangements w/ the corporation because they deemed Walmart not a socially conscience business. It’s a start and example for other communities.

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