
Jimmy planned a route for yesterday’s ride. He said he racked his brain for a route that used fresher trails. He lead us to Hog Wash which is the lowest route on the back side of Hogs. Up high is High on the Hogs, lower is Hog Heaven. The side of the mountain is in deep shade. We skirted a piece of h2o ice still solid in spite of the air temp in mid 50s. I smashed my left bicep into a branch stob slicing my skin almost knocking me off my bike. A fall here would have been painful. Today i wore a jersey that I lacerated the right sleeve on a tree on last Wed’s ride. This branch brush just poked small holes in the sleeve. Again, the desert beats you up. 2 hour ride covered 14 miles.

Looks better when standing still

Fun part of the day was hanging @ shop after ride. Boys, beer, and bikes how much fun.

Scored a shower then headed back to Beaverhead. I slept very well last night as I am recovering from Sat’s ride.

Today I decided to make it a rest day. I was hanging @ BnB when the VA group walked in. I introduced them around. They have been chewing up the good rides here. Tomorrow they get a ride w/ Chewie from BnB who is a top notch rider

I bought on line the book about Square Foot Gardening and I wanted to read it today. Interesting proven concept in that your garden size is only 4′ x 4′; it effectively reduces traditional long row single crop garden of the past. The bed is gridded off in 1′ squares and you plant seeds in each square based on space requirement and can stagger the harvest time.  Very productive method.

Tomorrow is a MBH shop ride.

Listened to the State of the Union address. We can do it.