Another traveler

Moon is almost full that lights the desert up. Still using heater on low during the night as temps are still just above freezing, van is not hot, chilly warm maybe. I enjoy leaving a warm bed to a less than outside air temp living room.

Rolled into MBH for Wed shop ride. No Rama, just regular Kevin, newbie Clint, and for me first timer Doug. I learned that Doug has been living on the road for 2 years on the Colorado Plateau living out of a pulled by bike a 2 wheel trailer. He is living out in the desert a bit outside of town this ways. We have shared some of the same rides. I am living large compared to him. He earns $ doing jobs, a more simple life than mine. So, to those of you who can’t afford it, just hitch a trailer to your bike and take off. He is living on the sharp edge. He might be the grass hopper to my ant. He shared trails out NW of Sedona, a lot of horse trails. And then I lead him back to shop on social trails that we normally ride. He had an eye opener to the views and the quality of the social trails: more technical than horse trails. I’ll get him out for more of it.

Long day for amount of miles and time spent riding, 20 miles in 3 hrs 17 min, 2442′ climbed.

Clint @ old homestead, cockscomb in background

doug & clint, cockscomb behindHit a broken tree branch while threading a slim line on a narrow sandstone bench ripping open my jersey, score another tree gash. Today I rode in shirt sleeves. Last year I tanned through a rip on another jersey. the first time I noticed the tan I thought something was the matter w/ my skin. This desert riding is tough on clothing and flesh.

Tomorrow is a chiro appointment. I plan on getting in a ride b4 then back down to BnB. Doug visited there and speaks highly of the shop that they let him use a bike stand and their tools to work on his bike. Sat is the Black Canyon trail ride.