I been stickied!

After today’s ride I noticed 3 small stickies added to my canvas. What if they are gang tags?

Another night of heater. Slept in. Today’s plan is to do a long slow ride from Skyliner parking lot. Today’s plum is Flagline which is closed till 8/15 to protect elk calves.

Drove over to parking lot dallying getting ready waiting for sun warmth. Visited w/2 young men; their plan was different than mine. Finally pedaled off wearing wool top & knee warmers but short fingered gloves. Lower trail had been brushed back making longer sight lines. 10 miles gained 2000′ way up on Flagline which is the boundary of the Bend watershed. Above Happy Valley the trail crossed several meadows created by inhospitable volcanic soil. Fall is here, the light is lower on the horizon which creates sun blinded patches. Riding in & out of shadows that my eyes did not readily adjust to. The trail took me head on into sun. Met the 2 guys from the parking lot. Visited some more: they went to Pit and know Philly and some of east coast rides I rode. Further on I met Brad from BC. I learned that his GF drove him to top and he was riding down to town. Big hit bike and flat pedals. Plugged into iTunes. What a beautiful day: blue skies, just chilly temps, trails almost all to myself. Rode well, again thanks to Larry’s box.

28.54 miles, 3830′ in 3 3/4 hrs. Sat’s 70 miler will be a fistfull.

Tomorrow I have another chiro visit for SI joint. DR uses cranial sacral like Kim in Brevard. Great insurance.

My Pisgah jersey has been dry cleaned. Gone are the yogurt dribbles from my moustache.

Parked back out @ spot past Phil’s TH.

Low sun angle generates less electric from solar panel. Would be better if the panel could be raised. But then I would need a ladder to get on top of van.

Price Point, a virtual bike parts store, is helpingĀ  me when I replace parts. Next on bike is new Formula RX rear brake replacing well used Oro. Over the years Price Point received much $ from me.

My pocket Olympus is on the fritz.