Scottsdale round trip

Wed left Deer pass camp to Sedona for MBH shop ride.

Wed’ shop ride had a wide range of rider abilities. Looked like it was going to be a mellow ride so i took off my leg armor. Then dangerous Dave arrived, later Kenny, Tim,  & Doug. Now ride looks serious. I am wearing just a pair of the multicolored cotton socks that Rama gave me because I admired his. Rama said he gave Doug a pair, and Doug was wearing his and armor. Paul, visiting from Toronto, joined us. He exercised in spin classes during the winter but nothing on ground. He said he rides tech stuff back home. He stayed w/ the break away better riders from Rama’s inexperienced group. Paul had a tough go staying w/ us. I needed to leave by 1:00 for Scottsdale so Tim and I planned a route for me to lead Paul back to shop. I misnavigated shorter route & added maybe another 30 mins and some hike a bike. I stayed w/ him waiting @ trail junctions. Dropped him off @ shop and I prepared to leave for Scottsdale. Paul came over to thank me for helping his ride and slipped me $40. I said no and he said Yes. I accepted. Ride temp was 76 degs under cloudless blue skies.

Drove down to Scottsdale to Carrie & Nick’s for dinner and a curb to sleep at. Wonderful and stimulating people. Again, the question: When is enough enough? No answer but it gave a focus of conversations. Temp in Scottsdale @ 4:30 was 83 degs.

Thurs AM I got up & fixed my bfast @ curbside. Carrie & Nick are sleepers till 8:00. Woke them earlier than that. I washed my dishes in their sink instead of dripping sink gray h2o on pavement.

Over to gastroentro dr appointment.  Younger dr decision matrix kept pointing to colonoscopy and the reason for it, none of which i like the reason for. Another cause could be detected by blood tests. I opted for blood work first then the scope. Whatever is inside me is dragging me down, the pain has become chronic and was tolerable, now my whole body seems to be affected: dizziness, nausea, loss of appetite.

I called Jimmie @ B & B to make arrangements to pick up his buddy from Phoenix airport before 5:00. Worked for me so that I was able to ride Hawes trail outside Mesa. Sonoran desert w/ cactus providing only shade. Hot & dry. Trail is mostly decomposed granite making for sand, not the beach sand fine of Sedona. Trail dipped into washes. Several places it appeared that somebody had actually shoveled the sand away. Washes had loose sand from heavy Jan. rain runoff.

Picked up Kevin @ airport. So hard for me to multi task the driving a breadbox in airport traffic and navigating. Made 3 trips around terminal roads until I found him. He called me to tell me where he was standing. Now I am talking, driving, and trying to find the correct terminal. Score, got him in the van. Next challenge was making the gps tell me how to get back to Sedona. GPS has a disclaimer when it is turned on excusing Garmin of being responsible for driver mistakes while using the unit & driving. Makes sense but I bungled my way thru. Finally I- 17 and Northbound.

Made Jimmie’s house. Ate pizza & drank some beer while visiting & watching some mtn bike videos, Jimmie Page & Allison Kraus concert, and a road car rally. Stayed up late. Sept out front.

Current: Friday I needed to drive up canyon to testing lab for blood draw and then eat b fast. I asked for enough blood to be drawn to do cholesterol check. Bit of effort to add this request to original order as gastro people aren’t concerned w/ it. Just not feeling well.

Ride this after from B & B. Zags play first round today @ 4:00 which will conflict w/ ride. Ill feeling w/ a shorter ride and watch the Zags or push a longer ride and miss the game? You with me or again me? Where’s door number 3?

Cooler today in Sedona. Tonight’s forecast is just above freezing, not ready to switch to summer weight blanket w/ down quilt as extra warmth.

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