Tilt your head that way and look up at the sun

Today was the photo shoot. Just like any other day but much more. Drove into MBH for meeting w/ Dawn, the photographer, and shop ride and follow her shooting requests. She mixed it up w/ the riders, the  locals and several newbies. We rode off and she joined us @ a trailhead. She had other locations in mind for shooting so I left the ride. She didn’t ask me to injure myself  doing a big roll in or gap jump. I followed her instructions and she shot. She was composing the picture and i was part of it. This wasn’t  5 or 6 snapshots and we move on deal. All day and she took over 300 pictures. She will select about 20 pics and will send to BikeMag from which the writer will select his. I learned to ask more questions. Creative shots.


My sister Lise from Ohio called long distance. Alright, by cell phone. Show of hands for when you remember when long distance was a big deal as it cost $, when time was money. When somebody answered the phone and learned that the caller was asking for another person and that it was long distance. The receiver would drop everything and c0me running.  And now it was Verizon to Verizon therefor free. We talked for 45 mins for free.

Back at favorite desert spot.