Satisfactory Solitary Sojourn in Sedona

Quiet night @ Beaverhead. Forecast called for rain by 11:00. I made events complete to be able to leave B & B before the rain. Made it.

Ride plan is from B & B, up lower shady ( or some other name) to H…e, out baldwin, up Templeton, down Cathedral rock path to wash to HT and find equestrian bypass Gonzo showed me. Couldn’t find it. I was climbing up and Wes, Kenny, & Gayle zoomed down by me. They were going to ride what i just rode. I lacked the energy & desire to ride H…e again. Ran into then again while they were taking a break. Joshed around some more. Turned down second invite. Finished off w/ upper shady with it’s technical climb. Engine dipping into tapped out zone for riding but strong for hike a bike. Still can’t make the climbing to the left switchback that is armored w/ pieced in rock. Failure is an inside downhill fall onto pavers. And the clouds were clearing off. No rain. Great riding weather.

H..e going forward
H..e going forward
hedgehog cactus guards edge of trail
hedgehog cactus guards edge of trail

Hung @ B & B for awhile goofing.

groceries and drive out to deer pass and hope my spot is open and clean. It was, however they left a bed of coals burning under the ash.

Watched Gonzaga beat USF to win the WCC. Next stop is WCC tournament next weekend. Then the NCAA big dance. Some say Gonzaga could be seeded for Spokane venue.

Rain drops on the roof. Pitter patter and then silence….. more pitter patter… Forecast is for rain tonight & tomorrow.

I wonder if bad riding habits persist regardless of what bike enhancements are made. I noticed on the first several rides on the new bike it and I  opened some moves but a short while later I fell to same bad habits. Tubeless tires was next big change. Pumped success for several rides then bad stuff again. Maybe I get away w/ more mistakes that turn into success. I will learn to better ride my ride.