I hurt and I’m tired

And sober also.

Yesterday I finally decided to start the Giardia med I bought back @ Christmas, flagyl only which means no alcohol for 10 more days.

I drove down canyon to meet Dave & Rebeca for a ride, me fixing dinner, a shower, bfast today, and greatest of all, watch the Zags on a real TV in a house.

We rode from their rental on a mellow social ride. Our return route was one of neat ST trails ending up near B & B. I have ridden this piece maybe 10 times both ways. I have 2 nemesis on a wash section. I overcame my butterflies and have been riding them down but walking them up. Rama offers encouragement of putting the front wheel further into the problem and 1 day I will ride thru it. I sought to put into play his advice. I knew the first was coming up and was thinking positively about putting my front wheel up & over the step up. Rebeca following me asked me if I was nearing my nemesis. Yes I said. I slightly speeded up my pedaling and hit the rock ramp. My front wheel hit the concave surface on the step up which stalled me and then the rear wheel hit the first step, my chain ring scratched on the step, and blue plastic from my Candy smeared the rock. This time I chose to fall uphill instead of wash bottom 3 feet below on the sharp sided rocks. I couldn’t clip out. I fell hard flat on my lower back on the rock. Perfect match of rock slope and back bend. Instantly I recalled the OSU B-ball player who landed on his back during a game and broke several vertebrae. Did I get his injury? Pain but no numbness and all muscle functions seemed in accord. Rebeca righted my bike and slowly i pedaled off.Pedal action uses the small of the back. Could ride but gingerly. Slow to move and not very flexible. Iced it w/ ibu and slept OK.

Dave & rebeca & chicken point
Dave & rebeca & chicken point
find rider dead center on trail Feb 12, 60 degrees
find rider dead center on trail Feb 12, 60 degrees

My dinner turned out very good as evidenced by clean plates.

The Zags destroyed ST Mary’s. Game over @ 11:00. Late bed.

This AM Rebeca fixed b-fast burritos. We had a trail work date w/ Dean. Dave did swaeetheart shopping so it was just Rebeca & I that joined Dean. We built some new trail on Schzwan Chicken trail which will be a high speed downhill bike trail. It is legal trail and well built. Will be great to ride as there are G-outs, uphill turn berms, and kickers that will launch you to at least next Tuesday. Use a McCloud to work the earth which is primo w/ just the right amount of h2o to pack down but not so much that it is hard to move. Shape the earth and then tamp it down w/ face of tool. Dean did most of work and worked up a sweat. In shirt sleeves. Got in a few licks. Need conditioning to do this work. I just remember the hours spent digging fireline w/ a hazel hoe back in 1970 when I was on a fire crew back in the Umpqua in Oregon. Lot of nights sleeping since them. We worked from 9:30 to 2:30 under blue skies & sleeves.

Forecast for next bunch of days is low 60s & sunny.

Specialized is warranting my shoes (again). My Kendal Excavator tire arrived today to warranty replace my Nevegal. Garmin is replacing my Edge. I am searching for a younger replacement body. Must be looking in all the wrong places.

Hung @ B & B waiting for my new rear wheel. Georgeous Heather dropped in & gave me her undivided attention. Whew. She said that I am not threatening.

Back out @ deer pass. Tomorrow the hot air ballons should be landing around me and I’m sticking to that story.

Will try a gentle ride tomorrow. Fix dinner @ D & R, laundry, & watch the Zags.