Second time down Dread & Terror

What a penalty shot for not being able to ride lowest section of trail, what in the poison oak and all. To me this part of the trail is the most representative of the NUT. How many riders ride it more than once when they come here to ride the trail? Two timer Craig.

Slept in this AM. Didn’t put out the alarm clock to check on time. No clock, no guilty feeling of sleeping in. Usually up by 7:00.

Today is just D & T and gravel logging road slog back to beer. Dropped in on trail just after it crosses a canal carrying the diverted Umpqua to a forebay above a penstock above a generator. That’s how the water is converted to air conditioning. Didn’t notice USFS yellow signs stating that the trail is closed. Trail again all to myself. Hit exit trail about 2 miles upstream of flooded section and I did not see the closed signs. Good! The water is down, yes? Arrived @ flooded section and it was still flooded. Waded thru mud & almost knee deep running water to other side. I noticed some recent beaver cuts and wondered how they were helping the situation. Adventurous beaver as river is too powerful to dam and it flows in a steep canyon. Hard go forĀ  beavers to have gotten themselves to.

I raised my seat about 1/8in and moved it back just a tad. I sat the seat without having to slide back & forth. My pedal stroke was still strong. I noticed the difference on road ride back.

Van and solar shower were in shadows when I returned. I moved the shower to a sunny spot. I stretched. Jeff Hart, I tortured my IT band w/ the foam roll which I hadn’t used in ages. Left knee pain was silenced. However the bursitis in my right hip burns and the right knee has issues.

I decided on a rest day tomorrow so no Thielson. I will head back to Bend stopping @ church laundromat in La Pine. Next hang spot is Hood River. Les, pipe up and join me for a ride.

I get so dehydrated here, the desert wasn’t as hard. I drink what to me appears to be sufficient fluids ( just 1 beer) but the tale of pee color says not enough.