Rest day in Bend

Have been tossing and turning while sleeping, or, rather the tossing & turning wakes me up to fall back asleep. Sleeping temps and quiet. Dunno.

Today my plan was to do my shopping before a ride. I marked my site w/ my new chair and solar shower and taped a written message stating my occupancy.

I hit Hutch’s just in town and talked w/ a salesman who has ridden in 40 states, mostly flying to them for races. We shared some rides and I offered him some new ones.

Bought bagels for tghe second time from the same bakery and was waited on by same rising senior girl. She wore t-shirts from colleges she has applied to and visited. Hope for the future.

The shock reducers were loose in the shock, spinning around indicating worn state. I have been tracking down a suspension screech and I considered these the source. Sunnyside Sports nearby is now a Turner dealer. I called and spoke w/ wrench Eric who educated me on metallurgy. I drove over and walked in the front door. What to my lusting eyes did I see but a DW-Spot in the rental line. Inside there was a shiny new built up one. Oh, man. To ride one @ Bend would be supremo. For my pocketbook both bikes were size large.

Mike replaced the spacers and the reducers fit snugly. I hung for awhile sharing conversation w/ Eric. Eric runs a 2.5 front tire and 2.2 rear for flotation in dusty soil.

New bottle of $25.00 10 year old Scotch stored under the sink and I returned to my saved camp spot. The forest was selectively cut anything over 16″ thus reducing shade where I am camped. It was 83 degrees and 17% humidity. I positioned my chair in the skimpy shade and read On the Road. What excitement!. I moved the chair tracking the setting sun.

Tomorrow is Friday, legal holiday for 4th. Expect more riders much like I used to be when working.

Speaking of working, in my case of not working, I have been retired for 1 year now. Miss what $ will buy but digging on being my own w/ a “who cares just don’t break anything ” boss. July 19 marks year 1 of this odyssey. No completion date in mind. I need to reduce my driving to get expenses under control. To date I have driven 26,000 miles and spent $3,000 on diesel. I have ridden 3638 miles on 235 rides and spent $4,000 on bike stuff from new wheels to PUSH suspension tuning. I am living a job stress free life. I am somewhat stressed when I choose to walk something, stressed that I beleive that i could ride it but my self preservation rears its better sense. I am able to ride another day.

Jack Kerouac died @ 47, I have bested him by 23 years. i am excited by On the Road so far.

I enjoy sitting outside w/ hardly a mosquito around.

The organizer of the Cream Puff contacted me. I will be moving on to Oakridge next week to help w/ race.

Tomorrow will be another big ride here, perhaps not 40. Snow is still covering the shaded upper elevation trails that limit high loop rides.

Thunder pealed and a smattering of rain drops fell this afternoon. I was hoping for a bunch more rain to wet the soil making it traction tacky. Ride speed would jump. Reminds me of a Far Side cartoon of 2 guys in a row boat fishing where an atomic mushroom cloud is behind them. The caption readsĀ  something like: You know what that means, don’t you? Yeah, no limits”. Tacky soil would be just like that.