Moved on to Oakridge

More rain fell last night in a T-storm. Started & stopped several times, neither time dumping much rain. I hoped that the weather was preparing itself for a good drenching. And, if so, I would have stayed another day to ride. Instead it was b-fast, load up & go. Did a short load of laundry before Oakridge w/ a XG 2 machine laundromat.

Spent around 3 hours @ the High Desert Museum S of Bend. Zysk, it was well worth the visit and I will return for more. I should find and read some OR history for as to be able to relate to history of area.

Drove up over Cascade crest and down wet side to Oakridge. Hit Willamette Mtn Merchantile, Mc Kenzie’s store, only he wasn’t there. Neither was Eugene whom I met in Moab.

Sitting here in store parking lot fixing dinner as once I leave town I will be up drainages w/ no internet. I guess that this is better than having no paddle.

Called Grace who is still finishing in top 3 spots in her races in the SE. Next week is the Leadville 100 for her. Go Grace!

Wet side forests: dense vegetation, dark, tangled plants. Fortunately blackberry bushes need open sky and devils club grows in creek bottoms. Just mosquitoes and poison oak.

Quiet day.

Off to finish dinner.