Killer day 3 on Phils trails

Still in Bend. I missed any conversation today, just learned about riding skills.

Today my plan was to do a big ride, shower, go into town to pick up map software, grocery shop, & do laundry.

Left about 8:30 after the day warmed up. 6:00 AM was 44 degrees. Snow is still an issue above Tumalo Falls so i climbed up to Swampy Lake @ 6000′. Way more to ride with total of 40 miles & 4067′ climbed. Big day 4 hours 45 mins.

Back @ camp solar shower was toasty hot. Push to get to post office before closing. Picked up Oregon National Geo Topo maps.

Splurged on mexican dinner.

Walked into a used book store and asked for On the Road by Kerouac. Scored a used copy. Look forward to his view of life.

Scored my same campsite. Better hang on to it for this weekend if I stay here.

Creampuff race is 7/12. I volunteered to help. Its @ Oakridge back South of here.

In Bend on Greenwood there is a tavern w/ a walk thru door to a laundromat. I have clean clothes and an extra beer in my belly. Watched a bit of the Mariners / Yankees game. Mariners lost 2 straight to them.

Off to read jack.
