Rainy rest day in Brevard

A car of bikers snatched my camp spot last night. What was worse was the other spot was in an XM blind spot. Quiet w/o tunes.

Rained during night, again, under trees delivering the irregular pater / pounding of rain drops.

Fred from the USFS stopped by for a short visit on his rounds. I asked for him to show me DuPont and his wheels started turning.

Too wet to ride. Drove N and filled propane. Drove back to Brevard & grocery shopped. Drove into town and window shopped. Went into a chocolate shop & bought some chocolate goodies.

Back out at gravel parking lot. I walked across a major intersection with no pedestrian Xing to Sycamore Cycles. The owner was one of the riders that went by Rich and I on Sat. I queried him about tires. I splurged and bought a pair of Maxis Advantage 2.1 tires. Joined the current state of tire design and relegating the old Velociraptor tires to spares. Expect these tires to up my riding performance. After PUSH Industries tuning the shock & fork, & John in Exeter, VT lowering my seat, and now these new tires I am still looking for the reason for my riding miscues.

Scott made it back to Indy after the concerts and is making riding plans for this weekend. I asked him to put a plug in Nature’s sprinklers as the forecast this week is for rain.

White squirrels in Brevard: they are real and have an explanation. Short story: squirrels were relocated from Hawaii into FL where a traveling circus man gave them to a relative of a family in Brevard who after 1 escaped let the other 1 go and the rest is like rabbits. They are protected in the city. No leg hold traps but what do you do when they are nesting in the insulation in your attic?

Stopped @ Looking Glass Outfitters, a climbing technical backpacking shop, met Phil, the owner. Petted his dog. He invited me to a shop party this evening. Young people sorting out their dreams. I’m happy that I am older and still sorting out my dreams.

Visited library to occupy time waiting out rain. Noticed lots of older people there also. Library excitement & stimulation.

Gotta go party.