Another rainy day in Brevard

Zags beat Cougs last night, Thanks XM radio for the coverage. I stayed awake till half time. the west coast game times are beyond stay awake time.

Rained quite a bit last night, fortunately I only heard the patter of pure falling drops.

Stopped @ USFS RS information office to educate myself of forest things and received a wonderful exchange w/ Fred who works there as a volunteer. He is a biker and lived near White Clay and Fair Hill that we shared. He is retired. He said that he was busy the first year but needed something to keep him occupied which lead him to volunteer jobs w/ the USFS. last year he and his wife worked Grand Canyon. He was an engineer.

Just so much stuff to learn from when I make the time for exchanges. The rain kept the other visitors away so I pigged out on out sharing.

A full time FS woman entered the conversation and shared her dream of bike riding X the country and was looking for knowledge. She like other people, me still included, have real or imagined road blocks that prevent us from living our dream. May she chase her dream across the country on a bike with the wind at her back and all the hills be down.

Called Tom Z and enjoyed an hour of companionship. Spokane is about to plunge into freezer per forecast. Brevard is above freezing. 2nd day of using no heat.

Ironspoke is following me and adding my adventures to his web site.

Meeting Scott from Indianapolis for ride tomorrow. Paul from Canada picked me up with a coment and will be down here next weekend for a  ride. I might join. Hey, hang in the Pisgah and the world comes to you. I never tried this at say like Moab to learn if the same thing occurs.

As I have grown & expanded on this adventure I have learned that a bigger life exists outside my Sprinter walls. Perhaps I will make another trip around the country to learn more people. Hey, maybe try Mohican in Ohio to see how many people would venture there to join me. OK, Decorah, IA then.

Hey, I want to be a hippie but my hair won’t grow that long.

In Blue Highways Heat-Moon quotes an 83 year old woman on her lessons learned in life: ” Having gumption to live different and the sense to let everyone else live different.”

With that, say good night Ethyl and I am off to FS road 1206 camp for tomorrow’s ride.